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Hy guys welcome back. I hope you all like my previous part. So here is the next part. Enjoy don't forget to Vote and Comment😁.


Days passed like are at the starting of second trimester. You are at your 5th month. Your morning sickness are the worst bcs you are carrying twins but taehyung was with you all time in your all sickness. He always treat you like a queen not only him everyone is taking good care of him.


You can hear the bird chirping sounds you slowly open your eyes and saw the most adorable view that your husband sleeping peacefully. You smile and get up but you feel dizzy. You already exhausted from the last night and having small cramps in your stomach. You just close your eyes feeling relax and get up from the bed when you felt you are ok. You go to washroom to fresh up but soon as you put brush in your mouth you felt like vomiting. You hurriedly took out the brush and went to the toilet to vomit everything you ate last night. But soon as you felt calm by feeling his warm hands rub your back. Your throat pain by the vomiting.

Tae- Shh...It's ok love relax. *he calm you*

After finishing vomit you stood up with his support and wash your face. He make you sit on the bed and give some water. came there to call you.

TM- Oh did you guys wake up? How was your sleep?

Tae- Sleep was ok mom. But yn is almost passed out by her morning sickness.

Tae- So the herbal tea didn't work?

You- Mom i don't even like that. The smell make me to vomit also.

TM- But you should sweety it will make you reduce this morning sickness. When the time i was pregnant with tae and kook it always help me.

Tae- She didn't even know that mom.

TM- Should i add some honey and give it to you. So you will feel better.

You- It's ok mom i will drink like that only. *smiles*

TM- Ok then come fast to eat breakfast i will give it to you.

Tae- Ok mom.

After get fresh up you both go to downstairs and eat breakfast with all.



You are talking with your mom in your phone.

You- Mom how are you?

YM- I am fine dear. How are you and the babies.

You- We are also fine mom. Just a little morning sickness that's all.

YM- I know honey told me about it. We all miss you so much. Can you come and stay with us for somedays.

You- Ah mom i miss you too. I will talk to tae and tell him about it.

YM- Ok then call me when you decided it.

You- Sure mom i love you. Tell to appa and oppas too.

YM- Bye honey take care ok.

You- Ok mom.


TM- Who is that dear? Is it your mom?

You- Ah eomma it's mom. She asked me to come and stay there for a few days bcs everyone misses me there.

TM- You should go there it's been a long time right?

You- Ah i will talk to tae after he came back.

TM- *smiles* You go and lie down for sometimes it's been a while you are sitting like this

You- Ok eomma.

You smiles and get up but.......

TM- YN.....


Taehyung reached at hospital while running and panting heavily. He saw his mother and Sarah sitting outside the observation room.

Tae- Mom what happened to her?

TM- I don't know son she was all fine suddenly fainted.

Tae- *sit on the chair while massaging his head*

Sarah- She will be fine taehyung.

Tae- I hope so. *Fake smile*

After sometime doctor come out from the room after checking her.

TM- Doctor how is she?

Doc- She is unconscious now let me check her reports so i can tell exactly what happened to her. Now you can see her.

Tae immediately went inside the room and saw you sitting there resting head on the head board while closing eyes with hand on your baby bump.

Tae- *sit beside you and hold your hands*

You- *open eyes and smile at him* We are fine. *small voice*

Tae- Hmm. *caressed her hand with his thumb* I got scared when mom call me and tell me about this.

You- I am sorry for worrying you. I don't remember anything when i walk towards our room i suddenly feel everything went black.

Tae- *kiss your forehead* Take care next time don't scared me like this. *he place his hands on your belly* Appa got scared babies don't trouble your momma like this ok. *Kiss there*

Mom and Sarah came inside with doctor along with them.

You- Doctor can i go home now?

Doc- Yes you can but before that i will give you some instructions about your health.

Tae- What happened doctor is there any problem?

Doc- I have already said that this pregnancy is a risk, only if you take good care of it, you will get the babies and the mother in full health.

Tae- Wait doctor what you mean by risky?

Doc- Didn't she tell you about this?

He confusely look at you and you gulped down and looked down without facing him.

Tae- What doctor i dont know anything?

You- D-octor p-lease. *teary eyes*

Doc- I got it. when she found out that she is pregnant i already told about her risk in her pregnancy and also less chance for her survival while giving birth bcs her body can't handle too much pain and her uterus is little weak to carry a baby. Moreover when she was carrying twins it will more dangerous to her.

Tae- What? You are saying that this pregnancy is risk for her life?

Doc- Yes...May be in future you have to choose one among them.

Tae- Doctor Do one thing for me?

Doc- What is it

Tae- Do Abortion........



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