Let the games begin

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Brianna POV
So I'm leaving the mall with my girl nyasia and I've been feeling watched all day but as we walking to my car I see this big black van following us so I look over at nyasia and then she looks back at me then out of no where these to big men grabb me and nyasia ! We try to fight back but our strength is no match for there's ,then they both pull out there guns and hit us with them Suddenly everything got blurry and we blacked out.

Nyasia POV
I wake up in this brick wall room tied up to a chair With a dent light I look around to see Brianna tied up to a chair to so I whisper her name then she wakes up I tell her to don't panic or make any noise and show no fear.Then this light skinned short boy walk down the stairs and come over to me and starts to talk to me /ask questions and he tells me that his name is brevin.
(There convo ↓)
Brevin:Where's chris?
Nyasia:I don't know and what do u want with him
Brevin:*laughs* u must b his girl friend.
Nyasia:yes ,yes i am
Brevin:slaps Nyasia
Brianna:Don't hit her
*Then walks over to Brianna*
Brevin:u must be a friend of Chris huh?
Brianna:No bitch I'm his sister!
Brevin:Punches her in her lip
Brianna:*spits blood out of her mouth and shows no fear*
*Then leaves*
Nyasia:What are we gone do
Brianna:theres nothing we can do
Nyasia:ya u right
Brianna:Don't worry Chris dem coming to look for us
Nyasia:how do u know
Brianna: Cause my phone is in my pockets and I but dialed Chris he didn't answer but what ever that nigga Brevin just said its on Chris voicemail
Brianna:now go to sleep

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