Drunken Roomate

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Quackity's pov:

I was awoken by my alarm screaming into my ear. I didn't get up because well I was to tired and wasn't in the mood. After about five of my other alarms go off, the seventh one comes and God was it loud. Louder than all the other ones.

I know myself to well. I think to myself  as I sweep my legs off of the bed and went to do my normal schedule, this time I wasn't running late. I looked at the time. What! No wonder I didn't wake up it's 4am... What am I kidding I wouldn't have woken up anyway. I then remember why I set the alarm so early. Ahh yes the English exam.

I sigh as a get ready with my usual beanie on top of my apparently bold head. I was wearing ripped jeans with a plain blue sweater on. I ate some breakfast, which wasn't alot since I couldn't afford much. I just had an apple, it tasted delicious. I ignored my stomach begging for me to fuel it a bit more than a stupid apple.

I room out of my books and started memorizing all the meaning and stuff like that. I listened to loud music with my earphones.... Mostly ones Wilbur soot sung. I don't know why but I randonly wanted to listen to his and only his songs.... Maybe it's a coincidence that I randomly started liking his video.

I heard loud thumps from the up the stairs coming down to where I was. Oh the addicts awake I thought. Suddey I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didnt bother to look back because I already knew what was going to happen.

I Continue studying and listening to my music when I felt a slight tug at the string of the right earphone. It immediately fell out because of how cheap it was. "Well hewo deem rommmmiueeeee," My alcoholic and drug fueled roommate said to me.

It was hard to understand anything he said because is words were always slurred because of how drunk he is 24/7.

"HI jshlatt," I replied, annoyance could be heard in my voice. "Soooooo yoicde amerd wober sooeat arwe dawing," He slurred once again. To translate he said so you and Wilbur soot are dating. What. The. Fuck

"No we are not and where in the hell did you get that idea!" I screamed at him making him smile, his twisted edges grew large.

"Ifs AL over DA tikie tokie and da inteREbat," He said before passing out on the floor. "Well fuck," I whispered under my breath. I'll deal with it later right now I need to study. I reassured myself.

I finished studying and I need to start walking to school if I didn't want to be late so I grabbed my bag and packed it with all the stuff I needed today.

My English exam was at the beginning of the day, so my fist lesson which was the reason I woke up so early.

As I walked out of my door I get swarmed with random people holding camera's. I wasn't even able to get one step out of the wooden barrier before ei was pinned against it by hwta it seems more than a thousand people. They were all asking or saying something, I couldn't hear anythij g though because of the clicking of camera's and the screaming of girls......?

I was so overwhelmed and I felt like I was going to ball my eyes out right there and then but I didn't cause I didn't want it on camera even though I don't even know where the footage will be sent to. What the actual fuck is happening! Okay don't panic, don't panic. Let's try and listen to what they are saying.

I try my best to actually understand what they are saying. "I am so so happy that you and Wilbur are a couple you two look so happy together!" "Are you a gold digger?" "Wilbur seems so much happier with you then all his other girlfriends," "Why did you steal my sootie bear away from me?" "I am going to slit your throat," "Can you pose for the picture please?" "Smile now!"

Oh shit, my fuck balls My thoughts were not making sense, but the only thing knew I needed to do was run. Run. I started running, I had to push some people away as they were trying to grab me to kiss me or to kill me or to ask an question or to take a photo of me.

After what felt like centuries of running I finally made it to my college. Maybe no one will know right? What am I kidding literally everyone eim my college listens to Wilbur soot. I think despair washing over my body.

Just as I was about to go into the college door someone pushed me to the ground. I turned around to look at who the person was. Hmm of course it would be melody. "HI melody how may I help you," I say getting up. I felt a slight sting on my forehead. "Oh I am going to kill you," She said raising her hand to throw a punch "Not if you can't catch me,"

I ran with my life to the college bathroom to try and avoid anyone who maybe had the need to harm me.... Specifically melody.

I got to the bathroom with no disturbances and locked myself in the stall. The walls brown but some people say that it was originally white but because of the amount of dirt I turned brown. That's a reason why no one went into the college bathrooms usually you would just hold it in until you got home.

In there was a dirty looking sink with hair clogging the pipe, a mirror with dead animals scattered along the glass  item and last but definitely the toilet, it was filled with excretion from people who just couldn't hold it in and since no one really used the bathrooms, the water appliances didn't work so there was no way to wash your hands, flush or even fix up your hair with a few splashes. Oh did I mention that it was the cleanest stall yet?

I should probably text my teacher and explain the problem I sighed as I sat on the toilet cover, putting down my bag.

Mr. Williams

                                     HI Mr Williams,                                                              
                                      I am very sorry
                                     But I can't do the
                                     Exam today,
                                    There's been an
Hello quackity
You can just write
Another day, I understand
What your going through
Right now, my daughter
Has filled me up on
Everything, none of
The teachers expect you
To show up today.
                                    Thankyou for
                                      I'm just hiding
                                In the toilet rn

Okay just stay there
Until you think its
Safe to come out.
Good luck and
Don't worry about the
Exam right now. You
Have much more
Important problems.
Goodbye and stay


God am I lucky to have such a cool teacher. I went on tiktok to wait till I feel comfortable to come outside. The first thing that poped up was me giving Wilbur a kiss and a song over it saying 'now I know I have met an angel'

I couldn't get a break from all the edits of me and Wilbur. A tiktok showed up of me running front he paparazzi. Well at least it's different.

Suddenly get a notification from whatsup making my face turn pink.

Random number

Hi, it's me Wilbur soot                      and I just wanted to.                       chat sooo, text me                              when your ready.

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