Mr. Williams

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Quackity's pov:

"Goodbye quackity," She said raising her knife and swinging it toward my head. It felt like everything was going in slow motion. She was only half way toward me but she was going so slowly that I didn't even think she moved.

I think that's how people die they let their life's flash through their eyes. Well memory time.

"Daddy why's mommy not aloud to stay in the room with us anymore?" I ask in much interest. "Well my small child, she has gotten a disease. It spreads to other people she's around and they get sick as well."My father attempts to explain to me. But I dot get what's happening and I never will. "What's it called daddy? What's the disease that everyone fears? What's the diseases name that everyone fears so much? That's teers family apart? That make our love ones distant from each other?" I asked my father. I was always mature for the age of a five year old well at least that's what my family and the people around me said.

"Covid 19, is it's nickname. Coronavirus is its reals name." he states sadly looking at me. "Why would they give suck a horrible thing a nickname?" I continued "I thought you would only give nicknames to your loved and ones and friends?"

2 years later

"Papi, ¿cuándo volverá mamá a casa?"
"ALEX I TOLD YOU NOT TO SPEAK SPANISH TO ME!" my father wacked me on the side of thigh. "NOW SAY IT TO ME IN ENGLISH!" my father demanded. "Father when will mommy come home?" My Father looked at my tearful face. His face turned from anger into realization into sadness. "Lo siento mucho Alexis, por favor, perdóname, cuando hablas español me recuerda demasiado a tu Madre,"

I turned away in sadness. Sure he could apogize and ask for forgiveness about it but I will not give him for what he's asking for. He said something that I would have just brushed off if it wasn't for the fact I didn't want to miss anything he said. He had said that it remind him too much of my mother when I speak Spanish.

My mother was 19 and had never left Mexico before. She didn't speak English  nor did she speak any other language. My father was 23 the first time he came to Mexico for a business trip. He met my mother and fell inlove. He stayed with her in Mexico until she died. Which was about 20 months ago.

She died because of covid. We couldn't hold a funeral for her because off the fact we were on lock down. My father tells me that 2022 will be different as I am joining my new school Today and it will be fun!

I looked him in the eyes "I'm going to school," I say grabbing my backpack and walking out of my small house. We were never the family that had money but we were always the family that had smiles instead that changed after my mother's death. He changed after my mother's death. Don't get me wrong hes a wonderful father and I know he's trying his best but all I want is for the old him back.

"Come on quackity not even a hug or a kiss," He said to me as I walked out. My mother used to call me quackity because one time when I was three I got into a lake of ducks and started to quack with them. I told her I wanted to be one with the quackity. I made everyone call me that, even my former teachers were forced to call me quackity. No one knew my true name, although I liked the name Alex but quackity was going to have to overpower it.

"Bye," I said walking out of the door. I walked to my new school. I am so nervous I could feel legs shaking beneath my waist. I walked into the class and the teacher Intoduced me.

The day went by decent fast. It was now breaktime and I knew this was going to be awkward as an eight year old with social anxiety.

"I wanna go back to Mexico," I whispered under my breath whilst  slightly swinging on a swing and looking directly at the sand and the dull couler it holds.

"Why? What's in Mexico?" I heard a voice ask. When I looked up a saw a girl who was in my class. She had light brown curly hair and was wearing a Grey sweater with bright purple pants. A smile was plastered on her face. Her blue eyes screamed at my soul to befriend her.

" Um, well I'm from Mexico, I just moved to California a month ago. And I want to go back to my homeland," Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"I'm not even allowed to speak Spanish here!" I stated now sobbing my eyes out. The strange girl wrapped her tiny little arms around me. "It's okay.... You can speak Spanish to me!" The little girl stated.

"Thanks," I have into the warmth of her embrace. "Wanna be best friends?" She asked pulling away from me "Sure," I said.

"Oh wait waits your name?" "The names Wilson. Melody Wilson." She offered a hand for me to shake. "Quackity."

From that day we became besties. We promised that we would be roommates. That we would be our children's aunt and uncle. We thought we would be best friend for life.

Well That's what we thought.

The knife was almost about to enter my clothes, my skin, my flesh. Whe.i heard a loud thump. My eyes widened as I realized what was going on. It seems as though someone just hit melody on the head with something. Her head was pouring out with blood and her body was slumping over. Her eyes rolling back. I screamed at the top of my lungs when my mind came to a conclusion that she was dead as her lifeless body lay on the ground.

"No one hurts my students," I looked up to see Mr. Williams holding a brick that probably came from this shit bathroom. The brick had blood on it.

"It's okay I already called the police and we will have video evidence of everything since there's a camera here," He stated pointing at the camera hidin in the corner facing us.

I was to shocked to move. "Yeah let me help you,"

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