Squished Sandwich

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Quackity's pov:

I groaned when I opened my eyes and felt the sun burn them. The alarming and not to mention annoying sound of my alarm clock is going feral.

I grabbed my phone which was charging on my bedside table. My eyes widened when I looked at the time. Holy fuck shit, it's 6:30am I am going to be late if I don't start changing now! I thought to myself as I ran to my bathroom and had the quickest shower of my whole entire 20 years of my life.

After a whole process of showering, to getting dressed, to brushing teeth. I was finally done. I looked myself in he mirror that had a crack going through the middle of it. I had to go onto my tipy toes to even see myself in view. The mirror is just put in a high place, it's doesn't mean anything about my height   I try convince myself but deep down I know that's a lie.

I wore a white buttoned up shirt and a pair of jorts. Some parts of my eyes glimmered as you can't see the rest because my black hair was covering both of my eyes a only making me a bit blind. My hair was black like a ravens feather well at least that's what my mother told me before she passed away when i was only 5 years of age.

Before she passed my mother had given me a beanie in memory of her. It was one of my mothers favorite thing to wear on her Grey hair. That's why I have been wearing that beanie for fifteen years straight. None of my friends had even seen my hair. And even my father hasn't seen my hair.

My beanie covered all my hair not showing any signs of tiny strokes or even the couler of it, people bullied me because they thought I was bald. Oh little did they know. The beanie consisted of black and some red lines going around it. I was and still am known as the 'mysterious boy' one because of my hair and two because of the fact no one knows my real name. They all just call me quackity.

I was now in university with a scholarship. Well I'm lucky to have gotten the scholarship because then I would not be able to afford it. As right now I am struggling with a rare thing in my family called money.

Stop zoning out and let's go! I think to myself as I quickly went downstairs and grabbed everything I needed. As I put my hand on the doorknob. You should eat, it's been 4 days since you last did A voice in my head says. NA I'm getting to fat anyway, I'll eat in a day or two I shrug as I run to school.

When I got to school, I was in a panicked frenze. I ran to my lockers holding my beanie in place on my head making sure It didn't fall of and reveal my hair.

I saw goerge and dream making out right nex to my locker. "oh my lord get a room you two!" I say as I open my locker. "well a hello to you baldie as well," dream says while embracing a grumpy looking brunette into his arms. I sigh in jealousness ugg God I wish I wasn't single.

"Did you study for the exam tommorow?" goerge voices muffled from dreams t-shirt. My eyes widened  "what? Exam! For what" I scream making everyone in the hall look at my direction in a very judgy way.

George and dream looked at me in shock. "How could you forget about the English exam tommorow!" George  states waving his arms around in a dramatic way.

"Well I'm just gonna have to study all afternoon and all night for it," I groaned as I realized. George scowls and grabs me by my collar almost pulling it off entirely. "You listen here quackity! You're going to the lovejoy concert tonight no matter what! Even if it means that your going to have to study there!" George whispered into my ear causing shivers to go down my back.

"nah, Im not going, I didnt even buy myself a ticket! " I say closing my locker. "why do you never buy tickets for all the events we go to i thought you were saving up to buy the Goddam ticket!!" George says angrily crossing his arms over his chest.

Well george it's because the reason I'm saving up isn't for a stupid lovejoy concert... It's for my dads surgery for his cancer but noo I can't tell you that think to myself staring George straight iin the eyes. I have to let out information if I want them to leave me alone about the topic

"It's for my dad's surgery," I mumble loud enough for them to hear. George's face softens and he suddenly raps his arms around me. "welp quackity your still coming cause I bought you a ticket myself," dream says excitedly extending his arm and revealing a ticket. The ticket had lovejoy in printed on it.

"Oh no I can't take this and either I will be studying the whole time!" I state trying to push the expensive gift away from me. I was still in shock that dream could do such a nice thing. "We don't care as long as you're somehow with us!" "and plus you could wear headphones if you wanted to focus,"

I looked at them and strapped them both in my arms. As I embrace them I realize something.... Oh shit I am so late for class now! I think to myself rushing away.

I get into dreams car that was waiting for me outside of the school. It was about 10 pm at night. The stars were the only source of light. I looked around to the people in the car. It was only me, dream, George and melody who was the biggest pick me girl ever. Melody was one of the people who teased me for my beanie but she also had a crush on the lead vocalist who I thinks name was Wilbur soot or something. but it's still felt cramped like the air was blowing two directions making me feel like a squished sandwich.

Not to forget I had my books and my pearhones with me for studying cause if I don't pass this test then I will have to pay for the education myself because of the scholarship deal.... Always get straight a's.

"Looking fat as always jezz ," Melody says hitting my arm "Melody stop it now!" dream growls. I'm not that fat am I? I think to myself as the car starts moving toward the destination.

He really knew nothing of the band except when melody brags about how she's going to marry Wilbur. All I know that it is going to be really awkward for me.


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