Chapter 8

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Admin: Welcome back guys! Today I'll be posting Chapter 8 of this fanfic today.

Wonder: You kinda sounded like a YouTuber just now.

Admin: Really? Weird. Anyways, let's get started!

-In Deltarune-

Your Pov

I smiled cause I was happy that this kind goat lady was letting me stay with her. "Thank you m'am", Ink said. Toriel smiled and said: "Anytime dear". I looked at Ink and asked: "Shouldn't you be staying here with me?". He looked at me and shook his head, then replied: "I can't. I have important business to do. But I will come back and visit you soon. In the meantime, have this". Ink grabbed something from one of his pockets and gave it to me. "It's a piece of paper with my phone number on it. You can text me or call me whenever I'm not here".

I suddenly remembered that I have my phone on me. I mentally sigh, hoping it didn't break.

"Well, I'll see you later y/n. Be careful and immediately text or call me if you see Nightmare or any of his teammates, ok?", Ink said. I nodded. I doubt that Nightmare or any teammates of his will find me. They're too stupid to do something like that, right?

Anyways, I see Ink use his paintbrush to create a portal on the ground. He looks back at me and Toriel one last time, says goodbye, and then jumps through the portal, which closes as soon as he's completely disappeared. I then look back at Toriel and see that she's opened the front door completely and has stepped out of the way so that I can walk inside. I walked up the steps and went inside the house, then sat on the very first thing I saw: the couch. Toriel closed and locked the door, then walked over to me. "I hope you like it here y/n. I promise that I will try my best to make you feel as comfortable as possible", she said. "You seem like a nice person. I know for sure that I'll like it here", I replied. I asked her where Kris was and she replied: "they're currently hanging out with their friend Susie at her house. Kris will be back home in an hour." I nodded as Toriel walked to the kitchen. I look at the tv and start thinking about everything that's happened to me so far.

Also, I wonder how Kris will react when they come home and see a stranger in their house.

-In UnderFell-

-In Snowdin-

Nightmare!Sans Pov

Me and the others have looked everywhere in this world except for Snowdin, but I'm starting to think he's not here. "ɨ ɖ-ɖօռ'ȶ ȶɦɨռӄ ɦ-ɦɛ'ֆ ɦɛʀɛ ռɨɢɦȶʍǟʀɛ.", Error told me. "That's what I started thinking too. But let's not stop looking here just yet. You never know if-"

"Who the fuck are you guys?!", a random voice said. I frowned and looked to where the voice came from. I see another me standing a few feet away from me and the others, holding a bone in one of his hands. "That's none of your business. Now I suggest that you walk away before you get hurt.", I told him. He scoffed and said: "I'll do whatever the fuck I want, you goopy looking bastard!". I growled and wrapped a tentacle around one of his legs. "Last chance. Leave. Now.". He flipped me off and told me to go fuck myself.

I growled more loudly and wrapped another tentacle around the same leg and lifted him a few feet in the air, then threw him at a nearby tree. I see the guy fall face first into the snow, which made me laugh a little bit. I then see him stand up and hold his bone close to him. "Is that all you got Goopster?", he asked me. I rolled my "eye" and teleported right in front of him, then I punched him in the face. Well, tried to, because he grabbed my fist and kicked one of my legs, which made me fall to ground. I feel pain in my leg, but I ignore it because I'm too angry to focus on that. Before I could get up, he tried to stab one of my legs. I manage to move just in time though so that he wouldn't be able to do that. Fortunately, it pissed him off and made him attempt to stab me in the leg again. I dodged the attack yet again and finally stood up.

I step on his foot, which made him drop his bone and stumble a little bit. "Ha, you think that hurt me? Well it didn't!", he said as he attempted to sound confident. I mentally smirked because I know what he was saying was pure bullshit.

I grab his bone and stab him in the leg with it, then wrapped a couple tentacles around his torso and threw him as hard as I could. He was screaming and yelling curse words until he hit the ground. As soon as he hit the ground, my teammates looked at me, then at him. "Uhhhhhhhh, boss, who's this?", Killer asked me. I replied: "A nobody.". Suddenly I see Horror walk up to the stranger and kick him in the head. Multiple times. He stops when he sees a crack appear on his skull and blood pouring out the crack. "Before you ask: nobody is killing him. We'll leave him here so that he can suffer through his pain and misery alone". Horror nodded and stepped away from the guy.

"ա-աɛ ֆɦօʊʟɖ ʟɛǟʋɛ ռ-ռ-ռօա. ɨռӄ ɨֆ ɖɛʄɨռɨȶɛʟʏ ռ-ռօȶ ɦɛʀɛ.", Error said. I nodded, agreeing with him. I snapped my fingers, opening a portal to another universe. I then looked at my teammates and said: "Alright boys, let's go. This place doesn't have what we need. Hopefully Ink's in UnderSwap doing something dumb with his friends.". I let everybody go through the portal first before following them. As the portal closes behind us, I look at what's around me and sigh, feeling somewhat more relaxed.

"ʊʍʍʍ, ռɨɢɦȶʍǟʀɛ, ɨ ȶɦɨռӄ ʏօʊ ֆɦօʊʟɖ ȶǟӄɛ ǟ ʟօօӄ ǟȶ ȶɦɨֆ.", Error said. He sounds a bit surprised. I bet something fucked up happened.


Admin: That's a wrap! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Wonder: My creator has something important to say.

Admin: Oh yeah that's right, I do. Well, I don't know if you guys know this, but this book is going to have 14 chapters in it, which means there's 6 more chapters to go when chapter 8 is released. After I finish this book, I'll be releasing another yandere undertale book where the entire Murder Trio are yanderes. The Murder Trio consists of Horror, Dust, and Killer. Together, those guys are a really dangerous and scary group of murderers. And since all three of them will be in love with you, you'll be in deep shit.

Anyways, I have two different potential plots for the next yandere UT fanfic. I want you guys to vote on what plot you want me to use. Here are the plots:

1) Reader-Chan is in her room at the hospital all by herself because her parents and siblings didn't bother showing up for some reason. She's in the hospital because she is dying of a strange illness that doctors don't have a cure for yet. Suddenly, she feels her heart stop beating and she dies. All she sees now is total blackness and hears nothing. Next thing you know, she sees a light and reaches for it, hoping that she can touch it. Light floods her vision and she is reborn in another universe called HorrorTale. Life will certainly be a lot different for her now.

2) Reader-Chan lives in an au called UnderFell. She was born into a family that doesn't like themselves or other people. She has been treated like shit for most of her life and one day decides to once and for all, run away to Mount Ebott, hoping that wherever she ends up living is better than living with her parents. What she doesn't realize though, is that many things will happen to her that will make her curious about a lot of things. One thing Reader-Chan will definitely be concerned about is her safety. And sanity.

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