The talk

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(Laurens POV)
I'm meeting with Mere and Jamie today, we all need to catch up and now that i don't live in the manor, its important to make special effort to see everyone. But today is really just a girly catch up session - Mere's got gossip about her and Brian, Jamie and Joey seem to have something going on and she's always going on about that. Also, I sort of wanted to talk to them about stuff. You know - like sex stuff. I don't feel like I wanna talk to anyone else about it yet, I'm sort of thinking about it since the whole baby situation. Speaking of, I should check that Tilly's alright. Turns out Lucus is leaving her with us for a few more nights than expected. I walk into the living room and Joe has Tilly in his arms, he hasn't moved for about 2 hours, he's really good with her. I thought that it would take ages to teach him how to look after her but he picked it up so easily.
"Hey! I'm off too see Mere and jamie at the manor - I know Brian and Joey are coming over soon so did you want me to take Tilly out or are you okay?" He managed to tear his eyes away from his young neice and look at me.
"As much as I'd love to stay her with her all day, I kinda have a back ache." He carefully stood up and walked over to me to have Tilly over. I took her out of his arms and he leaned over to kiss me.
"Some day." He said. Yeah. I think so too. It's gonna be Joe - the person I spend my life with is gonna be Joe. We've already moved in together so that's a start, now we just need to start everything else.
"I'll see you later, have fun with your boys." He waved me off as I left.
"Lauren! Good too see you!" The boys had just turn up outside.
"Is this Tilly? Joes been talking about her, she's gorgeous!"
"Yeah, bless him he's been holding her all morning. He's waiting inside. I better be off - have a nice time!" I left and secured Tilly in her car seat and drove over to the manor. I noticed how much more cautious I was whilst driving with her in the car, I was slower, took more time checking roads and everything. I think it's a good thing really. I arrived at the manor and saw Jamie and Mere sitting outside on the balcony, waiting for me to arrive.
"LAURENNNNN!!!" they yelled.
"Look she's got the baby with her! Awww! We'll come down and help you get everything out hun!"
They ran down the stairs and helped me take in Tilly and her supplies. We went up into Jamie's room and got Tilly settled down.
"So! How has everything been since I left?" Meredith started on how her and Brian were thinking of moving out since hearing how well me and Joe had been doing. Then Jamie told me how Joey was taking her on a date next Wednesday (even though they had already gone way past a 'date' as I found out) - those two were ridiculous; they know they both like each other but they are always to scared to make a move so think God Joey did!
"So, how's it going with you and Joe? I bet it's been nice to have more freedom...if you know what I mean." I gave Mere a weird look and she tutted then elaborated.
"You know? Like sexual freedom and stuff!"
"Actually... Me and Joe haven't done it yet. I kinda wanted to talk to you guys about that."
"Wait... You guys haven't had sex yet?" Jamie seemed to be shocked.
"No, we didn't move out just so we could screw the life out of each other! But we have been sort of thinking about it...sort of. Tilly was the reason. We thought about children but then Joe reminded me that we hadn't even had sex yet. And as hot as I find Joe, I'm a little scared to have sex." Just then, Tilly began to whine so I got up to take her from her carrier and into my arm with a bottle of milk.
"I can really see me and Joe have a family but I'm to scared to even take the first step."
"Listen honey, you gotta remember that you and Joe have only been going for a few months." Mere said, she was right.
"Yeah, and also, if you rush into everything, it could either be way to overwhelming or you'll have no milestones left to pass so just take it ad it comes okay?"  This is why you need girl friends.
"Thanks, I think I know what to do."
"You go girl. Now! Let's have a look at this little thing!" Mere and Jamie both held and fed Tilly and we just spent the rest of the day gossiping and girling as we do.

(Joe's POV)
"Joe! Buddy how you doing?" Brian and Joey bounced through the door and tackled me onto the sofa. Once they had all the bear hugging out of their systems, I got a little teased for my love for Tilly.
"But seriously dude, its so cool that you can take care of her. Good practice for later on I guess." Joey said.
"Speaking of, how is it?" Brian said with a nudge.
"What? Living with Lauren or...?"
"NOOO!! THE SEEXXXXXX!!" Joey squealed.
"Umm. Yeah that well. We may have not done that yet."
"What? You haven't slept with her yet? .....Good for you dude." Brian said humbly.
"Yeah, totally but why?" Joey asked.
"We've been taking things slow, but funny you should say - once Tilly arrived, we've both been like thinking about the future. You know, its all there."
"Yeah I totally know what you mean, me and Mere didn't do it till like 3 months later." Joey was grinning and couldn't keep a giggle in.
"What have you done?" I asked, grinning along.
"Okay okay, please don't judge me but me and jamie have it going on and the other night, we went out and got a little to drunk and we may have slept together."
"JOEY! Please say you used protection?" Brian pleaded. Brian was such an old man when it came too these things. It's actually a positive thing.
"Of course I did, we both knew where it was leading to so I came prepared."
"You little minx!" I was glad that I had my boys support with our desicion of waiting. We spent all afternoon slating Joey for being such a rusher but it was all fun and games.
Lauren came home with Tilly just after my guys left
"Hello beautiful. How was you day?" She put tilly down and embraced me in a hug.
"It was so nice to see them and catch up on our lives! How about you guys?"
"Same, it's amazing how much goes on in our lives in such a short space of time."
That evening, Lauren and I stayed on the couch watching various Disney films. I had no idea how much Lauren loved disney, I would have thought that by now. Then it hit me. I need to take her to Disney land. Her birthdays in like 2 months time so I could take her as a treat! It would be perfect and by then, if we're ready, we can have our first time in Disney land. Let's get planning.

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