movin' out

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(Laurens POV)

So me and Joe are getting all serious now and we're even moving in together. I'm so excited but at the same time so scared. We found a really cute little apartment a few miles away from the manor in Illinois. Its got a big bedroom, living room, bathroom and a little kitchen. I can't wait to move in but I know it will be sad saying goodbye to our friends. Not forever obviously but just because we won't be seeing them everyday. Although we all get irratated at each other at times, we are all like a big family so moving out and away from family is difficult but we'll be okay. We're just about packed up, I've got 2 suitcases of clothes and another large bag containing random shit that I've collected.

"Hey Lo, you ready to start loading the car?" Joes smiling face pops round the door frame.

"Yep, I think that's everything!" Ahhhhh so exciting.

"Let's go then!!" We load up Joes car then take our time saying goodbye to everyone. All of us girls ended up in tears even though we'll see each other in two days for work but even so, its a major change. Joe and I climb into the car and drive off.

"Oh Lo, I'm so excited I can't even say." Bless him. He's like a little puppy, I know I've chosen the right guy, he could not be more perfect for me, seriously.

"I know, me too! But aren't you scared about anything going wrong?" Like, I hate to kill the mood but I just want to know what he thinks. I look up to see him thinking.

"I don't feel scared. Im not expecting anything to go wrong but any challenges we face, we'll find a way to deal with them because I know we can. Are you scared?" He has a good point. Maybe I should just relax a little.

"Honestly yes. This is the biggest thing I've really ever done and it means a lot. You know, we're moving in together Joe. We will be living together in our own home and its the start of our future together. Its a huge step and it scares me." Joe put his hand on mine as we drove down the road where the apartment was based. As he stopped the car outside the building, he just turned to look me directly in the eyes. This was gonna be one of his meaningful pep talks - he's all for positivity, bless his heart.

"Our future together isn't going to be scary Lo. Its going to be amazing, and exciting and full of new experiences that may be tough or easy but whatever happens, we will be together and everything is going to be perfect. Trist me, Okay?" As long as I have Joe with me then I guess it will be all good.

"Okay. I trust you. Let's go then." I give him a quick kiss and them we jump out and start to bring stuff out of the car. Obviously we couldn't put couches and beds in the car so we furnished the apartment last week to save us from sleeping in the floor with no TV etc. It felt like a moment where we should be holding hands but we both had 2-3 boxes of our shit blanaces in our arms so that was impossible. We walk up 2 flights if stairs then I laugh as Joe struggles to get the key out. When he finally does, we gladly put our boxes down and look around at our new home. I feel Joe's arm round my waist and I sigh.

"So here goes."

"Here goes." Soo...what do we do now? Are we gonna have those awkward film moments when they move in then the next day a kid comes along because I'm honestly not ready for kids. And that's another thing. I'm a little concerned that Joe is thinking about sex and not that I don't want that with him but not now. In the future. Whatever he's thinking, he'll talk about. That's what I love so much about this relationship - we talk about anything on our minds and discuss them together until we both come to an agreement so if he is thinking about wanting sex with me in the very near future then all I'll have to do is tell him I'm not ready yet.

(Joes POV)
What do people do when they move in together? You see, this is different because me and Lo because we did already live with each other but now were alone...that sounds so dodgy and I really don't mean it to be but its the only way I can put it. But know it just feels as though we're more real, more of a couple. We can start moving forward a from here and who knows what will happen but I know its gonna be good.

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