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(Joes POV)
Disney land is planned. I've made sure with her family and work place that she's free in the week we're going. Keeping such a big thing from Lauren is hard, I sort of feel like I'm lying to her (even though she hasn't asked anything). I guess it's a good thing, it proves to myself that I wouldn't be able to actually lie to her. Anyway. I've planned out everything - I've asked Jaime to invite lauren round for a sleepover the day before we leave and that will give everyone at the manor a chance to give her birthday presents and stuff before we leave but also, I can leave Disney as a surprise for the actual day. So whilst Lauren's at the manor, I'll pack both of our bags and when I pick her up, we can head straight for the airport. I decided to take her to Florida instead of California as we can go to universal too in Florida.

(Lauren's POV)
Joe hasn't said anything about my birthday and it's in about 3 weeks now. I wonder if he's forgotten...does he even know when it is? Should I tell him? He's been in a world of his own for the past few weeks - as soon as Tilly went back to Lucas, he's been kind of distant. It just leaves me wondering I suppose. I think I'm going to alert him about my birthday because it's exciting. Right where is he... Living room probably. I get up and walk from our room to the living room. He's on his laptop again - he's always on the laptop.
"Watcha doing?" I say as he jumps.
"Jeez Lo!! You scared the crap out of me!"
"I live here to you know. And I'm gonna ask again - what're you doing?" I know I kind of sound a little accusing but I'm just worried that something's wrong, you know?
"Oh nothing, just um...just emailing Jaime about some stuff. N-not big stuff just some stuff but stuff that I need to email her about. Well needed too, I've already done it so I don't need to anymore but that's what I was doing... To answer the question." Joe was wide eyed, like a deer in headlights. I didn't want to challenge anything he'd said so instead I just said 'ok' and went through to the bedroom. I then got out my phone and dialled Jaime's number.
"Hey Jaime, it's Lo."
"Oh! Lauren! How you doing?" She replied happily.
"I'm alright thanks, I was just calling to see if you got Joe's emails today?" I wanted to make sure joe wasn't lying but instead of explaining to Jaime, I just asked her right out. There was a silence on the other end.
"How do you know about the emails? What's going on?" She sounded genuinely confused but at least I know he was telling the truth. A wave of relief washed over me, I didn't want to admit it to myself earlier but I was a little worried how was maybe talking to another woman or like that. Well I guess he kind of was but not in that way.
"I don't know Jaime, he's just been so distant and constantly on the computer so when I asked him what he was doing on there a minute ago, he sort of freaked out and rambled so I assumed he was lying or up to something." Jaime started giggling.
"What? Jaime!! This is serious - I'm gonna repeat everything I just said and I want you to comfort me okay?" I joked.
"Honey I promise you that there is nothing to worry about. Quite the opposite. Let him stay in the computer and don't worry about him being distant, it will all make sense in a few weeks."
"But he hasn't even mentioned by birthday, I don't know if-" Jaime cut me off.
"Lo, honey don't stress okay. Just relax and as I said, things will fall into place. Give it time. I've gotta go, love you bye!" And she left me. Great. I just don't like not knowing what's going on, I trust Jaime with what she said but it doesn't stop me from feeling a bit isolated from Joe.

(Joe's POV)
Great cover up Joe. God I'm shit at secrets. Well if Lauren isn't stupid (which I know she's definitely not) then she'll definitely be suspicious after that scene. For actor, I'm terrible at acting. At least I've finished everything now, I can get back to spending time with Lo and maybe she'll forget about it. I'll go and find her now, and if she is curious or whatever then I can try telling her again - I wasn't lying when I said I was talking to Jaime but I'm sure Lo would wonder why. Wait I think she's on the phone - I'll come back in five - oh no... Jamie's on the phone. Shit. She wouldn't tell lauren, she knows that it's a surprise. I can only hear bits of what Jaime's saying-
"But he hasn't even mentioned by birthday, I don't know if-" Jaime must have cut her off. I just want to go in and comfort her but that would blow the plan.
"Things will fall into place. Gotta go, love you, bye!" I hear lauren sigh. I'll give it a few seconds before I go in, I don't want her thinking I was eves dropping (even if I was a little). Okay now's a good time. I open the door slightly to see her sitting on the bed facing the other way.
"Lo? Can I come in?"
"It's your room too." She replied a little bluntly but I think she was trying to joke.
"I know. Okay then how about if I ask to talk to you?"
"I'd ask you why." I closed the door and walked further in until I was sitting next to her.
"Because I want to say sorry. I know I've been a bit far away recently and I know that in this moment it doesn't really help but you've gotta trust me when I say that-"
"It will fall into place?" She finished. Jaime must have said the same thing.
"Yeah. I guess Jaime stole my punchline."
"She did. It's not just that, it's that I miss spending time with you. This week I've barely seen you and it hurts me." She smiled a tiny bit before continuing.
"If I can't even manage a week, what would I do if we weren't together anymore."
"I can't imagine not being with you either so let's not let that happen. For now, I can't tell you what's going on. What I can tell you however is that Jaime and Mere are planning on inviting you over in about 2 1/2 weeks."
"That's like the day before my-"
"And when I pick you up the next day, you will understand everything."
"What about-"  Lauren, stop talking or you'll ruin it... Okay She's given me no choice. I cut her off with a kiss. It makes it seem less rude.
"I hate you sometimes" she whispered against my lips.
"I love you always" I say back.

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