Chapter 12

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*Next day*

(Vanessa's P.O.V.)

I finally had all my clothes and other belongings I needed.I was walking downstairs to go to the kitchen,to reveal Harry snoring softly on the couch.I cuddled up next to him and softly planted my lips on his.Nothing."Harry,wake up."I whispered.Nothing again.I sighed and got up from next to him.I went into the kitchen and grabbed the bag of cereal,a bowl,and the milk.I poured the milk and cereal into the bowl and took a clear cup out of the cupboard.I felt someone pick me up and throw me over their should and I was unaware it was Harry."PUT ME DOWN!!!HELP ME,PLEASE!!"I sheriked."It's just me,Vanessa.Dont worry.No one is going to take you away for me."Harry said."Harry Edward Styles!Put me down right now!"I demanded."Yes ma'am."He said.Harry put me down and I sat on the counter.I started to eat my cereal and started talking about Valentines day."You know babe,Valentines day is coming up."Harry said looking up at me."Yeah,I know."I responded.Harry got closer to me and took my cereal bowl and started eating it."Make your own!"I said snatching the bowl away and putting it on the counter."Are you happy?"Harry asked me."What?"I replied."Are you happy?Simple yes or no question."He said."Yes.Im with you.Why wouldn't I be?I love you,Haz.And nothing or no one can change that.You know that right?"I said.He put his hands in mine and responded with,"I know.I love you too."Harry pulled me closer to him and I was looking down into his beautiful emerald green eyes.I kissed him softly,but it deepened after a couple of seconds,which was normal.For us at least.He put his cold hands on the small of my back,under my shirt.Just as things were getting heated,I heard Nialls thick Irish accent along with all the other boys,walking through the door."Get a room you love birds!No sex on the kitchen counter."Louis said.I felt my cheeks heat up and I put my head down in embarrassment."Don't be embarrassed,babe.PEOPLE JUST NEED TO LEARN HOW TO KNOCK!"Harry yelled."Harry,it's okay.Its not like they meant to."I whispered.I jumped off the counter and walked into the sitting room and sat down."So what are we going to do today,guys?"Liam asked joyfully."No one said anything about us doing anything."Harry muffled."Harry,be nice."I hit him."Liam,just ignore Hary.He is in a crabby mood.He must be PMSing."I joked.Harry gave me a glare and got up.He stomped his way up the stairs and slammed the door.Wow,he must be on his man period."I will be right back."I walked up stairs and walked into the room."Babe.Whats wrong?Please don't lie and say nothing."I said.There was no answer.He just sat there laying on the bed.I sat next to him and ruffled his curls."Stop it."He said into his pillow."Tell me whats wrong please.What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything."

"Then what is it?You're never like this when the boys visit.Was it because they came in at the wrong time?Trust me.Im mad about it to,but I'm not going to take it out on them.So cheer up and go back down stairs with me."

"Can't we just stay here and lay together?I like that idea much more.Dont you?"

"As much as I want to,we can't leave them waiting."

(Harry's P.O.V.)

"As much as I want to,we can't leave them waiting."Vanessa said."Come on.Please?Cant we tell them come back later or something?"I begged.Vanessa sighed,meaning she gave in to my idea."Fine,but just this one time."She said.I grinned happily and ran downstairs."Guys,come back later?Vanessa and I have things to do right now."I rushed.I pushed them all towards the door,leading them out and slamming the door.Rushing back upstairs,jumping on the bed as I entered the room."Someone is happy."Vanessa laughed."Come snuggle with me,babe."I smirked."What if I don't wanna?What if I just want to stand here?"She said."Pwease!!!"I sounded like a little baby.She rolled her eyes and got into the bed with me.

(Vanessa's P.O.V.)

Harry pulled me closer to him as soon as I got in the bed and might I say,I miss our lazy days together.They used to be every Saturday night.We'd watch cute,funny movies while cuddling in his bed instead of going out and getting wasted like any other teenage couple.I mean,yeah we did that,just not ALL the time like everyone else.Harry and I really didn't get the point of being drunk every,single weekend.All that happens is stupid stuff,right?Knowing me and Harry,if we were drunk every weekend,we wouldn't be together right now.I slowly started to drift off to sleep as Harry played with my hair.


Okay,sorry for the wait guys!!!I know it's been forever,but I have been busy...But y'all should leave comments,vote,share.Do whatever you can to get this on the charts please.!!!!If the story gets 300 reads,I might make up a fandom name for you guys!!!!Leave comments on what you think it should be!!!!I love all my fans and readers!!!!Thank you!!!!<3

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