Please Dont Leave Me Chapter 9

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(Vanessa's P.O.V.)

I went down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a knife.I scanned over all the knives and chose the biggest one.I picked it up to look at my reflection on the small piece of glass and started to walk back to my room."What are you doing?"Cole asked.I just ignored him and kept walking,no matter how much I wanted to yell and scream at him for all he has caused me.I walked into my room and shut the door lightly,and locked the door.I took a couple of deep breaths and said every single thing I've been told all my life out loud to my self."You're worthless!Stupid!Never good enough!An ungrateful bitch!A slut!A bad person!Someone who will never be lo-"I was cut off by a huge bang on my door.

(Niall's P.O.V.)

I was walking over to Vanessa's house when I read her text message she had sent me.I finally reached her house and knocked on the front door and waited for someone to answer the door.Cole had answered it and I had asked if Vanessa was here."She's in her room."Cole said."thanks."

I walked up to her room and heard her talking.I wasn't sure who she was talking to,but I didn't hear anyone else in the room.Was she on the phone?I tried to walk into her room but the door was locked.I banged in the door a couple times and she wouldn't answer it."Vanessa open the door!"I yelled."No!"She replied.She was the most stubborn girl I know.I put my shoulder to the door and kicked it down."Niall?"She whispered.I saw her hide a very large knife behind her and walked over to her."Vanessa,what are you doing with the knife?"I asked worried.

"Don't play dumb,Niall.You know what in doing with it!"

"Put it down!You don't need to do this.Give me the knife."

"I can't do it anymore!I need to leave this world.I have caused so many people pain.You,Harry,The rest of the boys,my friends,MY PARENTS!"

I embraced her in my arms and took the knife out if her hand."Vanessa,you don't need to do this.You haven't caused us any pain what-so-ever!What makes you think that?"

"Niall,I cheated on Harry!Then I kissed you the day after and Harry just stood there and watched.I broke his heart into a million pieces!If I knew he was going to be there I wouldn't have done it.I'm sorry,but I regret kissing you Niall!"

"It's okay!We didn't plan for it to happen.It just did.I know it meant nothing to you as it did for me."

She sobbed into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her,making sure to comfort her.I kissed the top of her head and let her cry for however long she needed to.

(Vanessa's P.O.V.)

I'm glad Nialls' and I friendship was back to the way it was.Now I just have to work things out with Harry and get him back.I have to prove to him that I still love him.But how am I going to do it?Just tell him "Hey Haz!I still love you and now you should take me back!"?

"Niall,can you call Harry and tell him to meet me at the park?"


Niall dialled Harry's number and pressed the call button.After a couple rings I'm guessing he answered.

"Hey,meet Vanessa at the park......yep..uh huh....okay,bye."

Niall hung up the phone and stared down at me."Go get your boyfriend back!"He smiled.I got up and went to the bathroom to fix my make up and hair.I grabbed my sweater and walked back into my room."Thank you,Niall!"I said."No problem!"He replied.I walked downstairs,passed Cole,and out of the front door.I was nervous to talk to Harry,because it had been a while.Oh,who am I kidding?It hasn't been a while,it's been like 5 days and I'm going crazy without him!But I wasn't sure what I was going to say to him.

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