Please dont leave me chapter 7

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(Liam's P.O.V.)

I was on my way to Harrys house,as I promised Vanessa I would talk to him today.If I knew the whole story it would be easier to talk with Harry about the whole thing,but i'll just work with what I have.But I wondered what happened between Vanessa and Trey I believe his name is.

I reached his house and I got out of my car.I knocked on his door and there was no answer.The door was unlocked so I peeked my head in."Harry?"I shouted."In here."Harry replied.I walked up to his room and walked in.There was a lump under his blankets,so I assumed it was him."Harry,get up."I said.He pulled himself and leaned against the wall."You look horrible."I said.

"Gee,thanks.You know how to make a guy feel better,don't you?"

"Sorry.Whats going on with you and Vanessa?"

"Haven't you heard?She cheated on me and now we're broken up."

"Wait,you guys broke up?Harry she's a complete wreck.Why did you do that?"

"Because Liam.I wasn't sure what to do.I was mad,heart broken.I thought I was going to lose her."

"You already did when you ended it.Now you have to get her back before Niall takes her heart."

"He wouldn't do that to me."

"Haz,he has always liked her.But she was taken by you,so he had no chance.Niall knew how much she loved you and how much you loved her,so he didn't bother in trying to break you guys up."

"Whatever he can have her.She doesn't want to see me,I already know it."

"I'm so sure."

"It's true.She probably hates me.You know it's true."

"Believe whatever you want.Im done trying to convince you."

And with that I left his house.He wasn't willing to listen,so I wasn't willing to talk.

(Vanessa's P.O.V.)

It was now 3:30 pm and I had to start getting ready.I promised Niall that i'd go to the pub with him."Niall,if you want to go start getting ready."I yelled."Okay."He shouted back.

I hopped into the shower and just let the water run down my body.I wrapped the towel around my body letting it absorb the water.I walked to my wardrobe and picked out clothes for tonight.I blow dried my hair,straightened it,and slipped on my dress.It was black with a low back and went right above my knees.I slipped on my black wedges(some sort of heels if you didn't know!!)and walked down the stairs.

"Are you rea-woah!"Niall said.

"Yes,I'm ready.And you don't look so bad you're self."

"Why thank you!"

I laughed and linked my arm with his.We walked outside to the car and Niall opened the passenger side door for me.I got in and he walked to the driver side and drove off."Let's turn on the radio."I suggested."Okay."I turned on the radio and searched through radio stations until I found one."This is my confession on a piece of paper,I have to write this down!"The radio played Olly Murs "This song is about you."I sang along to the song then Niall joined in with me.We both shouted the song at the top of our lungs until we reached the pub.We walked inside and it was packed with people."We came on a good night!"Niall shouted over the loud music."Yeah,I guess."I said not interested."What's wrong?"He asked me."Nothing,come on let's make this night fun."I winked jokingly.Niall nodded his head and I led him to the dance floor.We danced for a while and that's when I saw Harry.What was he doing here?

(Harry's P.O.V.)

I had gotten to the pub just for a night of fun.I thought I would take Will to tag along and then I saw Vanessa and Niall dancing.Vanessa made exact eye contact with me and stopped dancing."Mate,are you alright?"Will asked."Yeah,I'm fine."I said."Go grab a girl and have fun."He said.I nodded my head and went to look for a girl.No matter how much I wanted Vanessa,I knew I couldn't have her.I walked up to a girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes."Would you like to dance?"I asked her."Sure.Im Brittany."She said."Im Harry."I smiled.We shook hands and I led her to the dance floor.We danced and I kept glancing over at Vanessa.I just wanted to walk over to her and make it up to her and take back everything I said."Whats wrong?You don't look happy."Brittany asked."Im okay.I,uh,tired."I lied."Alright."She said.

(Vanessa's P.O.V.)

Niall and I were still dancing and I could feel Harrys gaze on me.The song "Scream" by Usher came on and it was my favorite song.I turned around and grinded up and down on Niall and I could tell he enjoyed it.My arm was behind him,my finger knotted in his hair.He placed his hands on my hips moving in sync with me.


I smiled to myself,knowing the effect I had on Niall."Imagine me whisperin' in your ear that I wanna....take off all your clothes and put somethin on ya!"Niall sang in my ear,sending shivers down my spine."You are!"I smiled then turned around to face him.I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me,closing the gap between us.It was a soft kiss but then it got more passionate and heated.He had his arms wrapped around my waist and he lifted me up just a little off the ground.

(Harry's P.O.V.)

When I looked over at Niall and Vanessa,they were kissing!PASSIONATELY!I didn't like it at all.Didn't she know I was still in love with her?I turned Brittany around and attached her lips to mine.It didn't feel right,but whatever.Any thing to get my mind off of Vanessa.It just wasn't fair,how she did it right in front of me.I pulled away from Brittany and walked over to Will,who was dancing with some girl."We need to leave.Now!"I said."Why?"Will asked."Can we just go!"I shouted.We left the pub and drove to Will's house."Why did you wanna leave so early?"He asked."I don't want to talk about it."I mumbled."Tell me."He said."I DON'T LIKE SEEING VANESSA KISSING ANOTHER GUY!"I yelled."Who did she kiss?"He asked shocked."Niall!"I said.His mouth dropped into an 'O' shape and I let a tear fall."Mate I'm sure It didn't mean anything."

"Really?Because she was 2 feet in the air and they were using tounge!I don't appreciate MY girlfriend kissing my best friend!"


Man,this chapter is intense.Whaddya think????Like it?Hate it??Tell meh.Next chapter might be important!!!!!Love all my readers!!!!!:)

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