2: Trick or Treat

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Sasha walked into the store looking around before walking in and out of the break room. He made her way back over to where Marcy was standing while playing xir switch.

"Where the hell are they, Wu?"

"Good afternoon to you too, Waybright."

"Yeah, yeah. Where's Anne?'

"They have the day off."

"What, how do you know that?"

"You know we do that Marcanne thing — " Xe snap xirs fingers " ... we have an actual conversation." Xe scoffed, "Sashanne should try it sometime."

"I was, but they aren't here are they?" He crossed her arms over his chest "I was going to even be nice."

"Poor them, really missing out on all that Sashy charm."

"Whatever nerd." Sasha threw his bag down and kicked it under the counter.

"That's right Sash, you show that backpack who's boss." Xe smirked while looking back at xir game.

"Mars, I'm bored." She hopped on the back counter behind Marcy.

"Sasha, you just got here." Xe smile to xirself.

"I know, but who am I going to scare if Anne's not here?" She pouted. "You're a lost cause because you're not scared of shit."

"Yeah, watching real possession videos since the age of five will do that to you."

"You suck."

"I love you too." Marcy raised a brow to xirself. "Aren't you suppose to start being nice to them?" Marcy focused more on xir game.

"Oh yeah." Sasha said in realization. "I guess I would still be bored even if they were here."

"You know you can have fun without scaring people."

"Like how?" Sasha whined.

Marcy looked up from xir game to see Sasha leaning dramatically over the counter like a cat on a window seal. "Big baby, do you want to dress up in the costumes?"

"Yay!" Sasha hopped off the counter clapping his hands in excitement before grabbing Marcy's arm and running to the dressing room.

Sasha came out as Bonnie and Marcy reluctantly as Clyde. "It's so much better to thrift cheaper, better quality costumes." Xe shook xir head, "I feel like I'm wearing a birthday banner because of the material."

"Mars don't complain."

"Okay, okay." Xe put xir hand up in defense.

"Selfie time" Sasha put her arm around Marcy and snapped the pic.

They tried on more couples costumes, such as Sasha as Gomez and Marcy as Morticia,  Sasha as Willam and Marcy as Fred, and even Marcy as a plug and Sasha as a socket which Marcy rolled xir eyes.  Sasha made sure to take an unreasonable amount of selfies Marcy thought.

Once they changed into their regular clothes the two laid on the floor head against head.



"What's your favorite color?

Marcy laughed, "You don't know?"

"I never asked, but I assumed it was green since you always wear it." Sasha laughed.

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