3: Throuple Costumes

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Anne had their guard up for the next few days just in case Sasha was tricking them after all, but each day was pleasant. Sasha even offered to do stock work to make up for Anne having to restock the skulls after he scared them.

As the days turned into weeks they started to trust Sasha a bit more and the two even talked amongst themselves often. Anne even agreed to some surprise scares, but Sasha would have to clean up any mess that was caused because of it. Sasha gladly agreed to the terms with a smirk which made Anne slightly nervous, but not worried

After working at Heebie Jeebies for a month or so, Sasharcy were a big part of why Anne felt comfortable there. The trio laid on the floor head against head until the last thirty minutes of work. Marcy waved to the two before walking out to eat, decompress, and recharge in Sasha's car for xir lunch break.

Anne and Sasha laid head to head on the floor with their eyes closed.


"Yes Anne?"

"Remember when we went to Money Coffee for the first time?"

"How could I forget, I almost lost a lung just to ask you." He laughed.

It got silent and Sasha didn't want to push, but she also wanted to encourage. "So, are you going to tell me why you wanted to work at a Halloween store, scary cat?"

Anne smiled. "Black Pink Money."

"I like them."

"You do?"

"Yeah, but if you tell yourself that I said that, I'll beat your ass."

"Huh?" Anne shook their head.

"You heard me." He cleared her throat. "But what's the real reason?"

"I was hoping to meet cute queer people."

"So, did you?" Sasha smirked.

"Yeah, Marcy is pretty cute."

"Damn, just destroy me Boonchuy, I guess."

Anne laughed fully having to catch their breath. "You're not so bad, Waybright." they said. "I always have these fantasies of how things will happen and get disappointed when they don't."  They shook their head. "I was actually surprised that it turned out how I wanted this time."

"Hmmm" Sasha nodded. "Why did you want to meet them?"

"I don't know, I guess it's nice to talk to people who get it."

"I get that."

Anne bit their lip." What I really wanted to tell you." They cleared their throat. " Do you remember the question I said was too personal?"

"Yeah?" Sasha said simply now staring at the ceiling.

Anne started to chew on their lip, not knowing if this would make or break their bond, but they already told Marcy who was cool with it, so they had to see if Sasha was too.

"Well, I think it's not as personal anymore. No, that's right, it's still personal, it probably will always be." They breathe to calm themselves. "Maybe it's just that we've gotten more personal."

"Oh yeah?" Sasha blushed.

"Yeah." Anne was blushing too.

"I'm ready whenever you are, Boonchuy."  She cleared his throat. "But you don't have to tell me anything you're not ready to." He said softly.

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