The Sun & The Moon

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the moon took great but silent pride in her sun,
never able to say how happy she is that so many look up to her bright and shining sun,

the moon loved the sun with all her being, but one day she started to feel like no one looked up to her and so the moon started to shine less and less,
one evening when the sun was heading to bed she noticed the moon wasn't shinning anymore and looked lonely,

'Moon!' she called out,
the moon looked up too see the sun,
'Sun?' she called back,
'Moon! Are you okay what's wrong?' the sun asked sounding truly worried,
the moon sighed, 'Sun I love you, I was happy that everyone rejoiced for you when you shone bright but everyone goes to sleep when I come out to shine, I'm always forgotten.'
the moon sadly spoke barely loud enough for the sun to hear,
the sun smiled,
'Moon! Before I go just know that every night when I see you shining I feel my heart grow larger. I just felt like you didn't like me back.'
the sun says almost fully gone,
the moons heart grows larger with each word,
'Good night my love.'
the moon called to the sun that has gone fully,
that night the moon shone so bright and beautifully that it put the stars to shame,
when morning came around the sun called to the moon,
'Good morning Moon! I missed you!'
the moon smiled, 'Good morning love, I have to go but talk later?'
the sun nodded, 'of course your tired, I will think about you all day my love, go rest love.'
the sun tells the moon.
the sun and moon had a routine,
when one awoke they talked as the other faded to sleep,
And when the other awoke later that night they talked as they switched places,
their love never faded with each rise and fall,

eons later when the sun dulled out into a small flame,
her lover the moon was there by her side,
and finally when the sun couldn't hold on any longer and she let the flame burn out,
only then did the moon weep for her lost sun,
the moons tears landed on what used to be the sun,
the tears cracks the surface until it broke apart,
inside was a smaller more blue and green sun,
there was a note left by the sun,

'My Dearest Moon,
This is my daughter Earth,
Take care of her for me when I burn out,
let her have at least on mom.
-love your Sun'

the moon cradled the earth and spoke to her,
'Hi honey, I'm your mommy's friend and she wanted me to take care of you, okay? Just know that your mommy loved you every much, okay?'

the moon tried her hardest to keep her tears at bay when watching earth grow up,
'Moon, tell me about how you and mom met.'
earth would ask once she grew up,
the moon smiled and said,
'Well,it all started when she called out to me,
'Moon!' she called out,
I looked up to see the sun,
'Sun?' I called back....'

So how did you guys like this? Not going to lie I started to cry a little writing the ending. 555 words.

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