01💌 a little too close

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The buttery scent of caramelized, sugary cookies fills the room and that is my cue that the cookies are done. I put on my oven mitts and carefully grip the tray. 

I always make sure to take a mental note of putting on my mitts before opening the oven. I do not want that accident to happen again. The tray is placed on top of the stove and even from the distance I'm standing I can still feel the heat emanating from it.

Golden brown and soft.

The cookies are perfect! I poke the one at the corner and then take a small chunk out, plopping it into my mouth easily. Although I have to breathe in as I take a bite so I don't burn my tongue. The flavor is perfect too!

Would Noah maybe like this? Chocolate chip cookies are his favorites afterall...

No way!

What am I thinking? Giving him a random gift would basically just be me saying I like him? Like, who randomly just gifts people stuff? Especially food? That'd look strange, right? Oh God no. No, no no! These treats are for myself only!

But maybe....

"Ugh!" I slam my head on the kitchen counter and sigh. Let's just drop the thought.

Alright, I can't waste anymore time, my bus arrives in... four minutes?!

I instantly throw all my cookies into my small lunch box and hurriedly take all my school stuff. Cleaning the kitchen will have to be done after school — Mom and dad won't notice anyway. Somehow, to my unexpected luck I am able to get to the bus stop right when it arrives. I jump in and have to wriggle my way around all the people.

Of course, today has to be the day where the bus is full. My morning is already starting out great.

My foot seems to trip on something, a bottle? a stone? who knows, either way I am about to be kissing the floor in a second. 

I brace for impact but instead of sitting on the ground like some loser in front of all these people I instead stay put, not having fallen at all. And that's when I notice the grip on my waist, something — or more like someone — is holding me up.

"You okay?"

Just his voice is enough to straighten me up, somehow, more than I already was. I forget to reply, and to even look at him and I hear him let out a soft chuckle. Oh God.

"Isabella, right?" How does he manage to make my name sound so seductive?!

My voice seems to be stuck in my throat as I can't even get one single word out. But, to my greatest efforts, I manage to look at him. And wow, his eyes...people always say how brown eyes are the ugliest colour but he alone is able to prove all those people wrong. 

secret admirer. 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now