10💌 well, i like...

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I kick my feet as my mind wanders to what had happened before, my nose stinging more and more. What was all that about? I let out a sigh and look up at the sky. Whatever. Probably didn't even mean much. My grip on my backpack tightens as I get ready to walk away, but stop once a familiar voice pulls me back. "Do you feel better?"

I turn around only to be greeted with Noah behind me with a worried smile. I nod at his question and look back forward, ready to leave: still in a sort of trance, but his grip on my hand stops me. My cheeks warm at the touch but I don't show it.

"The sun's still up," he looks towards the sun, "no need to go home so early, right?"

I nod, slightly confused by what to say. "So... what are you suggesting?"

"A hangout maybe?"

Us, hanging out? If this were a week ago I would've been stuttering my mouth out, red faced and on the brink of fainting but now — well actually, maybe I haven't changed that much. I look at him wide eyed and he looks at me back, with a smile. Oh that smile.

"Well I — urm, I... eh... sure?"

His face beams, "Great!"

Ugh, how does he manage to look so cute? It's not fair.

"How about some ice cream?" he asks. We're now walking, to where? I don't know, but I let him lead the way anyway.

"Ice cream?" I ask.

"Yup, it'd be refreshing in this heat."

"Oh, okay? Sure. I'd like some ice cream." I manage out.

My mind wanders to what was said in the notebook. People? Really? He seems pretty fine with them to me. Or is this a sort of act? I blink at him, trying to decipher any type of sign from his face. But there's nothing there.

I'll have to bring that up in the note tomorrow. I can't ask now, that would be disastrous!

In a second we get to the ice cream place, it's a small little store near the lake park. It's hidden at the back, with the shades of the trees covering it. I never even knew this store existed. Noah gets a strawberry ice cream while I go with chocolate chip ice cream. We sit on one of the benches, under the shade and enjoy our creamy ice creams.

If I had more confidence or had a more strong willed personality then I'd probably ask why he's doing this? Why he wanted to hang out? 

But I don't. 

So instead I sit silently and eat my chocolate ice cream, making sure it doesn't smear my lips. I bite my lower lip, suddenly feeling unsure of whether I should be saying more or doing more. 

Come on Isabella! You're sitting next to your crush — eating ice cream together yet here you are being silent. What happened to all your progress? What if he's bored? Oh, he's definitely bored. 

secret admirer. 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now