12💌 evie the early

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"Your hair looks so shiny!" A girl smiles at me. I give her a sweet smile back.

"Thank you!" I exclaim, "used a new shampoo I bought, glad to know it's working out well."

She smiles back at me, happy that she's managed to get in my good graces and walks away.

Lucky me had to go to class a little earlier than usual. I set my alarm at the wrong time and am now here. Not realizing until I was halfway there that I woke up too early. I hold in a grunt and go over to my locker to get my things. 

Nearly no one is here, except that girl I saw before. Everyone always talks about how she comes to school the earliest out of all of us. 

Early Evie, think that's what they call her. How lame. 

But another set of footsteps catches me off guard. Someone else is here. And I can recognize them. Just from the sound. Meek and quiet, no sense of confidence in their walk. 

Isabella. I follow the sound which leads me to Isabella's classroom. 105. What an ugly number. I wait a moment for when she gets in and peek from the side. She's in her seat, writing on some notebook. 

Nothing strange for her. But what catches me off guard is when she puts the notebook back, under Noah's seat. Hm? What's this?

My eyes are trained on the notebook, the floral pink drawing me in. When Isabella finally leaves I sneak into the classroom where she once stood, take a seat on Noah's chair and pull the notebook out. 

I flip through the pages, my eyes widening with each page. A bitter laugh escapes my lips. I bite the inside of my cheek, the only way to stop myself from letting out a heartful laugh.

So that's what you've been up to Bell? Writing cliche love notes with Noah? My Noah? I thought you learned but seems I was wrong. I put the notebook back and let out a dry chuckle.

You still don't know your place, dear Isabella.

secret admirer. 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now