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i asked about what you like but now i wanna know about things you hate

maybe even people too

- N

People in this school? Or outside it?

And I really hate that one emoji that smiles with its tongue out.

IDK there's just something that seems off about it??

😜 i hate it so much.

- H

people in this school

and lol understandable

it does look quite ... off now that you mention it

😜 😜 😜 😜 😜 😜 😜 😜

- N

OK I'll let you know this at least.

B – that should tell you enough

Only person in this world that I hate.

And stop.

- H

ok 😜 😜 😜 😜 😜 😜 😜 😜

😜 😜 😜 😜 😜 😜 😜 😜

- N


- H

lolol ok i'll stop seriously

but B?

you mean Bree, Buttercup, Bubbles, Blossom or maybe Brittany?

jk it's Bianca isn't it

what did she do to you? Except her usual terrorizing

- N

She did, well, IDK, she did a lot.

Like a lot.

Don't wanna reveal all my secrets

so that's all you're getting

- H

damn now i'm intrigued but also worried

btw does your H stand for something?

- N

Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Does it matter?

And don't worry, she's bad but not life threatening bad

I've learned to just tune her out yk?

Also, forgot to ask, what are things you hate?

- H


- N

secret admirer. 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now