2.04 | chillin'

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"Jay, keys, remote." Ben voice carried, rushing down the steps behind Jay and tossing him the stated items. Behind himself, Evie and Carlos were running downs just as fast.

"Wait!" Evie yelled as they got to the bottom of the steps and in front of the car, "Something's wrong." She stared intently at Ben before reaching up and fixing his beanie.

"Oh." He sighed. Evie eyed him before a wave of satisfaction washed over her, "There."

"Shotgun!" A loud voice yelled, making Carlos jump. As he turned, he came face to face with his dog, "No, Dude, stay. The Isle is way too dangerous."

Dude whimpered as Ben, Evie, and Jay all gasped, "Did he just..."

"Talk? Yeah, I know. I'll tell you later. Hey Evie, didn't you say El was coming, too?"

"I'm right here, dipshit." The redheads voice sounded as she rounded the limousine. The four teenagers all looked at each other before simultaneously nodding and beelining for the car.

"Let's go." Ben said.

Each of them opened their respective doors with Jay driving, Carlos in passenger, and Ben, Elodie, and Evie in the back.

"Okay." The blue haired girl started once she was seated, "Once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage. Got it?"

"Got it."


It was approximation a thirty minute drive, the magic bridge quite literally taking all of their breaths away, and soon they were parking. Stepping out of the limousine, Elodie took a deep breath, "Yup, still smells like shit."

Ben elbowed her in the ribs, causing her to groan out as Carlos turned around, "Ben, help me with the tarp."

The two boys immediately went over to grab it, leaving Jay, Evie, and Elodie standing by the car, ready to help cover it.

"Jay?" Carlos said, gaining his attention, "Yeah." He nodded, immediately understanding.

The Jafar boy went over to the two girls, taking the tarp from their hands, "I got it."

"It's really weird being back here." Evie whispered, looking around, getting an agreeing nod from Elodie. Jay furrowed his brows, "We'll get in and get out."

"Jay." Carlos' voice echoed, grabbing his attention. Elodie's head snapped towards him, before rushing to held with the second tarp.

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