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—MAYBEprologue — 1992

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— "What do you mean my typewriter broke?" y/n questioned. She watched as her friend, Elena swung her feet back and forth looking around the secluded bedroom. 

"Well, I was-" y/n cut Elena off.

"Snooping. You were snooping." y/n groaned in frustration. She silently judged her friend rising to her feet. She rummaged through her drawers pulling out a small box filled up with her monthly savings.

"That typewriter cost my dad nearly a hundred dollars! You have to pay for it." y/n muttered, pulling out her desk chair. She began to count how much money she had saved. Shaking her head in frustration.

"I'm sorry I broke it.." Elena mumbled, picking at her socks. y/n clicked her tongue in frustration. Her dad had spent a while saving up to get her a typewriter. The fact that Elena had broken it made her angry.

"You're paying for the one you just broke!"


"Yeah huh!"

"Ladies! Keep it down!"

y/n grimaced. "Sorry, Dad." She rolled her eyes at her friend, and she emptied her backpack on the ground, only keeping in things she needed at the moment in the bag. She hid her box of money back in her drawers and set her bag on her desk.

She remained in her school uniform considering they had just gotten home from school an hour or so ago. She slipped her sweater over her white button-up and later grabbed her bag.

"Come on we're going to the shops." y/n pulled Elena by the arm hauling her out the door and down the steps. "I can walk on my own you know!" Elena exclaimed.

"I don't care, and you're buying me a new typewriter!" y/n responded. Opening her front door when she remembered something,

"Dad! I'm headed to the shops, is that okay?" She yelled, scratching her hand as she waited for his reply.

"That's okay, bring back some mozzarella for dinner tonight birdie!" y/n winced at her nickname, but she smiled slightly at her dad for permitting her to leave.

"Thanks, Dad!"

With that she was out the door, dragging Elena with her. They walked down the street, the shops were only a block away from home, making it easy to get there. "Do I have to pay for your typewriter?" Elena complained, acting as if her family didn't have money to spare.

"Yes, you do! Your parents gave you a debit card, right? So you're paying, for my typewriter, that you broke!" y/n practically yelled, a few strangers shaking their heads disappointedly. This made y/n grimaced.

"Fine, fine! I'll buy you the damn typewriter." Elena scoffed, but she silently laughed.

"Thank you." y/n responded, adjusting her backpack.


- "You'll tutor me right?" Miles spoke, poking Five with the end of his pencil. Five hardly batted an eye, focusing on finishing his trigonometry work. Asking for extra credit was the best idea he's had, and it was easy.

"Five? Five? Cincoooo, Five!"

Five spun his chair around staring at his friend dead in the eye. "Keep it down will ya? We're in the library dumbass." Five rubbed his temples, looking back at his trigonometry.

"Okay, I'll tutor you. What do you need help with?" Five asked, his pen scribbling away, nearly finishing all of his work. Occasionally he'll take a sip from his water bottle. That did not have water. It was just black coffee. His favorite blend.

Klaus had learned how to make it for him as Five always woke up extra early to make himself a pot just in time before he had to catch the bus. Klaus insisted on taking him to school but Five insisted he could just catch the bus.

Living with Klaus wasn't as bad as Five thought it would be, but living with Klaus was a lot easier than living with any other of his siblings, or his dad.

He didn't miss his dad. I guess he wasn't his "dad" but it's what he was used to calling Sir Reginald. That's how Diego mocked him. Five thought it to be as funny, and the others somewhat did too, but Luther wasn't always too happy about the others mocking his father.

"Algebra two..." Miles mumbled, earning a snicker from Five.

"Hey don't laugh at me you asshole!" Miles whispered and yelled, now earning a glare from Five.

"Keep it down you dumbass."

"Why can't we just go back to your apartment?"


"Because what?"

"Klaus is there and he's going to bother me and I just want some peace."

Miles rolled his eyes, laying his head against Five's back, Five quickly nudged him off, finally finishing his work. He was just about to write the date on the page when the ink of his pen ran out.


Miles snickered, unpacking his homework, Five glared at him smacking his textbook over his head, making Miles wince.

"We'll work at my house, I need a new pen." Five mumbled, packing up his textbooks and homework in his bag, and sliding it over his shoulder. Miles raised a brow.

"We're getting a new pen right now?" Miles asked, Five nodded.

"Yeah, we are. Stop sitting around and pack your shit." Five muttered. Digging into his pockets in hopes of finding at least ten dollars. He couldn't believe his ink ran out. He could just buy more ink but he didn't want to go bouncing from shop to shop so he decided he was going to get himself a new pen.

"Come on Five just use a different pen!" Miles complained, tugging on his friend's sleeves. Five shook his head. "No fountain pens are easier to use than the ballpoint ones!" Five complained. running his hands through his gelled hair as it was beginning to ache.

Miles groaned but complied.

Soon enough the two boys began walking towards shops. Hurrying to catch the next trolly to the town shops. Their hometown was always nice. Only the middle-lower classes happened to live here. Five and Miles went to a private school, and Five got in with a scholarship. Miles also got in with a scholarship, but he got in with a football scholarship.

Klaus insisted Five used his inheritance money to pay off some of the fees, but Five insisted on getting up on his own feet, by himself. He occasionally uses his dad's money for textbooks he can't afford that he needs immediately but for the most part, he works Friday nights and Sunday nights to pay for any extra things he may need for school.

It worked out well for him.

"Can you buy me pop rocks?" Miles asked, snapping Five out of his thoughts. They exited the trolly-headed straight for the shops. Five furrowed his eyebrows but agreed.

"Okay fine. But you owe me skittles."

A/N: I'm alive :D

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