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—MAYBEone — october, 1992

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one — october, 1992


"I'm just saying.. why can't you write by you know... hand!" Elena complained, following y/n around as she looked at the selection of type writers.

"The cramping E.. The cramping. Sometimes my hand just gets stuck—"
y/n murmured walking around looking at all the available type writers, occasionally glancing at her watch.

"Let's just get you a pen!" Elena exclaimed, y/n groaned rubbing her eyes. "No." y/n set her eyes on one of the type writers, it was black and shiny, with slight silver accents, the price being pretty affordable.

"I want this one— Wait.. no definitely I want this one." y/n murmured admiring the type writer.

"Stay here and— Make sure no one sets their eyes on it!— I need that type writer." y/n murmured, Elena nodded watching the type writer, to be extra precautious, she walked backwards watching carefully.

Making sure no one set their eyes on the type writer. She walked slowly, watching Elena and the type writer.


y/n immediately turned around, squinting her eyes in embarrassment. She smiled softly waving at the two boys in front of her.

One of the snickered, smiling slightly.

"ooh cincoo.." Miles teased whispering over Five's shoulder, Five hissed at him, face flushing in embarrassment.

"Sorry for bumping into you— I wasn't looking where I was looking and well, hah.. boom!"

Five looked down snickering slightly looking back up at her.

"Shit.." y/n mumbled in embarrassment, her cheeks heating up.

Five looked at the pen he had picked up, uncapping it with his teeth, though he hated doing that he thought it'd make it easier to reach for her hand and scribble on it.

He didn't really know how to ask for her hand, instead just grabbing it.

He focused, writing down his email, and his personal house phone, signing her hand like she was a fan, but that was the only way he really knew how to write his name.

It was normal to him,

again, to him.

She flushed, confused, shocked and a little shy.

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