Chapter 20

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Lily handed the Scot a cup and sat down next to her on the sofa.
Andi sat quietly watching Lily get herself settled on the sofa beside her. She turned slightly and leaned her body into back of the two seater with her knees bent and the bottom of her legs tucked behind her. The writer couldn't take her eyes off the blonde as she watched lily moving her hair behind her ears. She was mesmerised, enchanted by the natural beauty that the singer exuded. Her make up removed, her skin perfect, her eyes twinkling. Yeah this woman was stunning. And she smelled amazing. Andi felt her tummy tighten as she watched.
"What?" Lily asked with a nervous giggle.

"You know I really wanted one of these when you asked the other night."
"Yeah well I really wanted you to invite me into your bed. So I guess we both missed out."
Andi smiled, "thank you."
"Not going crazy with all the chaos I created tonight."
"I am actually just glad you didn't make it into my house, god knows what you would have destroyed." The singer laughed and inched closer to the writer.
Again tension built in the silence as they looked each other.
Lily couldn't believe they were here. That Andi, the woman who lived in her wallet for 12 years was sitting inches from her. She got lost in the deepness of the Scot's ocean blue stare and slightly cocky grin. Her exquisitely chiselled jawline and charming dimples. She wanted her, her body was charged with an excited energy.

"So you and Kelly that was a thing?"
"Yeah kinda," Lil screwed her face up, "when they first started working for me a little over a year ago I, eh,  found them attractive. We hooked up a few times. I liked them, but I couldn't get over how much they moaned and I don't mean in the bedroom." She laughed, "They just couldn't see the fun or the goodness in anything. They got pretty serious about things and a bit clingy so I ended it. But about four months ago I slept with them again and it kinda became something we'd just do every now and then. It doesn't mean anything to me. But I know I'm being a dick because I know it means something to them."
Andi hid her face in her mug. Sure that envy would be etched there.
Lily shrugged her shoulders, "jealous?"
Andi nodded, "a bit. I know that right now we're trying to figure this all out. But yeah I really don't like the idea of you with other people. I know that probably makes me sound all possessive and..." she shook her head.
"Well" Lily moved a hand onto Andi's shoulder, "give me something to be jealous about."
"What do you mean?"
" I'm sure you've got some skeletons in the closet too."
Andi laughed, "a few."
"Well tell me the one I'd least expect."
Andi nervously scratched her neck. "Em, I was married for about 4months."
"Yeah Joanne."
"Joanne, you spoke about that weekend, your first love, Joanne?"
"Yeah. Went back to a school reunion, well Stu dragged me along. We ran into each other and had a mad and I mean mad 3 months, pretty much partying all the time. Decided to get married. I think she suggested it through a toilet cubicle door and I agreed. But we decided to do it much to her parents' disgust. They really hated me, they always had done. Think they blamed me for turning their daughter." Andi shook her head and laughed. "We lasted 4 months, before we literally sobered up and realised that our relationship was just fucking and fighting. It was pretty toxic, we were just really bad for each other."
"So are you divorced now?"
"Yeah, she's remarried to a lay preacher or something in one the wee frees."
"Wee frees?"
"Small church, not part of a bigger group."
"Aw right I see." Lily smiled. "Do you always go back the way?"
"What do you mean?"
Lily placed her hand on Andi's thigh and left it there. "Well you go back to the former girls."
"No. Mostly until a few years back and the marriage thing. I did one night stands with a few very short relationships."
"You still had trouble being faithful then?" Lily shuffled around on the sofa a little so they were almost facing. Their knees comfortably resting against each other.
"No. I guess that  I have been looking for someone special. Never really been able to find her again." Andi held the blondes, hazel eyes. She looked momentarily at the singer's lips. "Until now."
"Do you use that line a lot?" Lily tried to hide the fact that her face reacted to the comment by going a slightly redder shade of pink.
Andi smiled, "who says it's a line. Plus it's good to know I can still make you blush Miss Evans."
"And it's good to know that you're still a flirt when you feel more confident."

They drained the contents of the sweet chocolate and Lily put her and Andi's cup on the coffee table.

They both looked at each other again. Lily's hand returned to Andi's thigh. She now found that the Scot's hand was also resting comfortably on hers. Andi smiled as she reached her other hand over and caressed the side of Lily's face. Moving her hand slowly over the blonde's cheek, "you're beautiful Lily Evans." The Scot glanced between the singer's eyes and lips. "You've always been the most beautiful woman I've ever met." Andi bit down on her bottom lip. She slowly moved her face closer to Lily's.

Lily felt the tension build in her gut again, the anticipation gathered in the pit of her tummy like excited fans waiting at the start of a gig. She watched Andi's eyes as they moved between her own and her lips. The slow build up was a beautiful agony. Part of her wanted to reach forward and make the move, they both knew was going to happen. Lily edged closer still, as a result her hand slid further up Andi's thigh.

Andi felt Lily move closer, she responded by moving her hand along the singer's jawline and up moving some of their loose blonde curls behind their ear. "I was attracted to you from the very first second I saw you. The shape of your face, your cute almost shy smile, your eyes and oh my god those lips. I wanted you in that instant."
"Really, I made eyes at you all evening and you ignored me."
"I, eh, was trying to be good and I assumed you were straight. So I tried not to be a creep staring at you all the time."
Lily smiled and moved her hand around the back of Andi's head. She pulled her hair free of its restraint, allowing it to flow over her hand, "you're gorgeous babe."
"Yeah with my scratched face, black eye and weird cut on my forehead." Andi smiled.
"Stop it, I mean you. I love your eyes, they're kind, soft, tell me exactly what you're thinking."
"Yeah," the Scot sighed out an almost groaning whisper into the blonde's face. "What are they saying now?"
"You're  wondering if you should make the move or wait for me to make it."

Their foreheads were almost touching. The air between their lips full of tension and want. The gaze between their eyes was lustful. Both of them are fully aware that tonight, a kiss is going to take them somewhere that they had never been together. Andi gently pulls Lily's head towards her. Her breathing already increased, her body already aroused.

The first kiss is soft, tender, as the Scot captures the singer's lips between her own and stroked her face gently. She feels Lily's lips pushing harder trying to deepen the kiss. The Scot opens her mouth slightly allowing her tongue momentarily to slip between the blonde's lips before retreating. As they continued to kiss and caress each other's faces.

Lily broke the kiss momentarily while she moved her body so she was straddling Andi, placing her knees either side of the brunette, she found herself grinding against the Scot's body while she moved her lips back against the brunette. She felt Andi's hands on the base of her back pulling her closer and gasped as the Scot's fingertips crept under her t-shirt.
Andi smiled and softly kissed Lily's neck. "I have thought about you in this moment for twelve years."

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