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written by: peachyhxlland

You and Xavier stepped out of the bus along with the other students as more school buses came in. Xavier spotted something nearby so he walked towards it, causing you to follow behind. Because of your shorter legs compared to his long legs, it was a little difficult to catch up to him.

Standing in front of a brick wall that had been painted white, Xavier came to a complete halt. You were standing next to him as he shook his head and groaned deeply, crossed his arms, and furrowing his brows. "Is that...?"

"Yep." Xavier breathed out.

The two of you missed the sound of the approaching footsteps from behind. "Why are you both staring at a blank wall?" Hearing Wednesday's voice made you flinch. She was standing next to you when you noticed her.

"It wasn't blank last Outreach Day," Xavier told her, not sparing a glance at the girl.

Wednesday noticed his sour mood. "Are you still stewing because I rejected your invitation?"

Xavier shrugged. "No, but I did go out on a limb for you."

"Oh, please. I, as well as the Kingsleigh girl over here, were just cannon fodder in whatever cold war you're waging with Bianca. I have more pressing issues in my mind."

"Yeah, like what?"

"Tracking down the monster that killed your roommate."

You heard Wednesday's statement and your ears perked up. "Do you really think a monster killed him?" You asked, your eyes widening in curiosity.

Wednesday turned to look at you. "I don't think, (Y/n). I know it."

Xavier softly groaned. "Oh, my God." He exhaled. "For the last time, Rowan was expelled. Everyone saw him leave."

"Have you spoken to him since?" Wednesday asked.

Before shaking his head, Xavier gave her a brief moment of attention. "I texted him a few times, but I never heard back." He replied. "I just figured he wanted Nevermore in his rearview mirror."

"Or he's dead." You shrugged, looking at Xavier. "Dead people are known for the incapability of communicating."

Xavier gave you a look. "Since when did you start believing he's dead?"

You shrugged. "Look, it felt odd when I saw him back in Nevermore after the Harvest Festival. He was frantic and dreadful. And then the next day he was all calm?"

Wednesday nodded at you. "Your girlfriend's got a point. You should listen to her."

"She's not my—" Xavier exhaled deeply. "I don't know why you care, Wednesday." He walked away causing you and Wednesday to follow behind. "It's not like you knew the guy."

"I'm not sure why you care so little," In response, Wednesday pulled the book she had taken from the hidden library out of her bag and opened it. "People can dismiss me and make a million other excuses, but I'm not gonna stop."

The dark purple book that Wednesday was holding caught Xavier's eye. "Oh, great." He scoffed. "I guess you can add 'thief' to your resume. I don't know what the big deal is about an old Nightshade's journal anyways."

The three of you came to a complete halt when Wednesday opened the book and showed Xavier and you two a page with a torn page next to it. It featured Wednesday with a sword and a person wearing a hat and cloak. They were surrounded by the school, which was engulfed in flames.

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