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Despite saying one movie, Theo and I were snuggled up on his couch long after the rolling credits had ended.

I couldn't barely remember what we watched, too focused on the man who had just kissed the hell out of me.

"I've been meaning to ask," Theo broke the silence, turning to me and I did the same. His arm was around my shoulder, holding me to the side of his body as the both of our covered legs were propped up on the footrest of his sofa. Neither of us made a move to leave, and I wasn't sure if I wanted him to.

No, I didn't want him to.

I was perfectly contented just being in his presence, but it was nearing midnight and Theo had to drive me home. I kept telling myself that I'd end our night, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Just ten more minutes, I said to myself.

I did that at least five times.

"Mm?" I hummed, ignoring how good he felt pressed against me.

I felt him mindlessly play with the ends of my hair, his eyes fixated on mine while he twirled a curl around his finger. Since our kiss, I could tell that Theo was a lot more comfortable touching me and I was enjoying it.

I was also enjoying the effort he went through at hiding how flustered he was sometimes.

I paid attention to Theo, and he might not have been aware but I did. I always did. How could I not? He should have known that his attempt at hiding the bulge between his thighs would be a fail. With a size like that, it was hard not to notice. It was endearing, in a way that made me want to kiss him harder—and do a lot more.

"Your tattoo," he stated, sending a small smile my way. "Is it healing okay?"

I waited a moment, pausing to decide if I should, or shouldn't. Should was the only option, and I met his eyes once again.

"Do you want to see?"

His brows raised, and he hid surprised expression as quick as it came.

"Yes," he murmured, moving his hand from my hair to my shoulder. "If that's okay with you."

I chuckled, pushing myself off him and scooting my ass closer to the edge of the sofa. "You gave me this tattoo, remember?"

"Yeah," he whispered with a shrug, his dimples forming when his smile widened. "I know."

"I think you did a pretty good job," I assured, hooking my fingers underneath the strap of my dress as I stood up.

Theo did the same immediately, and my eyes followed his as I pulled both straps over my shoulders. I had no bra underneath, and it was evident as I turned around and faced my back towards him. Once the neckline of my dress fell to my waist, I covered my breasts with my palms. I didn't want to, but I did it anyway—just because.

It was better than lifting from the bottom and potentially exposing the embarrassing tattoo on my ass cheek.

He's going to see it soon, anyway.

I turned back around, turning to the side to show Theo the tattoo on my rib. He made no move to lower his gaze, keeping his eyes on me as he grazed the tip of his tongue on the inside of his cheek.

I was familiar with the expression on his face when he wanted to kiss me, but in that particular moment, it looked like he was ready to fuck me right there.

"I think this is the fastest any of my tattoos healed," I commented, and it was the truth. I don't know what superpowers Theo held, but it miraculously healed a lot quicker than any of my other pieces.

Nina |18+|Where stories live. Discover now