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"Hey, baby," I whispered, stroking the back of my knuckles over the little's boy cheek. He giggled, waving his tiny hands in the air as he kicked his feet. I held him close to me, smiling down at his adorable face when he latched onto my finger.

"Hi, mama," Brian greeted, entering the living room with the brightest smile on his face.

Alice rolled her eyes, using the tall mirror to put her earrings on. Brian hugged her from behind, still grinning when he kissed her on the shoulder.

They were both dressed in formal clothes—on their way to attend a black tie event. I stood with Oliver in my arms, attempting to sway him to sleep but the baby seemed to be as awake as ever.

"Hi, Nina." Brian let go of her, offering me a small wave when he plopped himself down on the couch. His tie was loose, and the buttons left undone. He stretched his arms over the back of the couch, folding one leg over the other when he took a deep breath in and sighed heavily.

"Hey, you okay? You seem a little stressed," I observed, picking up a small towel to clean Oliver's cheek.

"He's anxious," Alice said, looking at her boyfriend in the mirror when she fixed her hair. Alice had a pretty, black dress on—strappy and short. It was a contrast against the colourful tattoos on her arms and back, and I had to stop myself from admiring her for too many times to count.

She seemed excited but Brian on the other hand....

"I am not," Brian defended, glaring at the back of Alice's head.

I chuckled, nodding my head.

"Why are you anxious?" I asked, switching Oliver's position to put his chest against mine. I held his back, letting his curious eyes observe his surroundings. It was my first time babysitting the kid and I know I wasn't supposed to have favourites but it was hard not to.

Oliver was one of the sweetest babies I've ever met and I grew fond of him in less than a minute.

"I am not anxious," Brian snapped, glaring at the both of us. He tugged at his tie, pulling it off completely as he sulked on the sofa.

Alice and I shared a look—the both of us not saying anything else. It wasn't a secret that he was nervous about meeting her parents. He wanted to, but he was scared and a little worried and I could understand why.

Theo's mom might have traumatised me.

"What if they don't like me?" he suddenly asked, staring up at Alice with wide eyes. "What if they think I'm a lousy dropout? What if—"

"Hey," Alice intervened, sitting down next to him. "I'm the daughter who got knocked up by someone serving a sentence for armed robbery. I think you're good."

Brian chuckled lightly, staring at Alice in a way that I felt as if I were intruding. I could see the love he had for her, and for her son. Oliver cooed, giggling slightly when he grabbed my hair in his small, unwavering fist.

I winced, catching his wrist with my fingers as I tried to pry him off me. He let go, only to find interest in my earring. Okay, I might reconsider who's on my favourite list.

"Come on," he murmured, grinning cheekily. "That's not as bad."

"Yeah, right," she said, rolling her eyes. "We're going to be late."

Brian's face dropped when he slumped back onto the sofa, staring at the ceiling. It was clear he thought about his options.

"I could always go without you," Alice said comfortingly, giving Brian a small pat on his thigh. She wasn't malicious, or condescending with her tone.

Nina |18+|Where stories live. Discover now