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Theo gazed up at me, his eyes filled with everything between want and need. His lips caressed over my skin in light strokes and his hands softly squeezed around my waist when he spoke in a gentle voice,

"Can I?"

There was no doubt in my mind when I answered.

Looking down at him and seeing nothing but utter desperation on his face, I couldn't help but breathe out a, "Yes. Yes, please."

I craved it. I wanted it. No, I needed it. I had thought about him the entire day, and seeing Theo at my doorstep while thunder and rain sounded out in the distance—I just couldn't keep my damn hands to myself. I tried, but barely so because I was sick of trying when all I wanted was to show him how badly I wanted him. 

The second the words left my lips, Theo lowered himself down the length of my body.

He had a small smile on his face, and it showed me how happy he was that I said yes. How the fuck could I ever say no? It was impossible, and I found myself giving in to everything that held me back. All the inhibitions. All the doubt.

My heart raced in my chest as I watched him lay a kiss on my hip, over my underwear.

He was so close to me, and the feel of his warm skin against mine was the silent comfort I needed as I let him have me. He took his time, breathing in a deep sigh when he closed his eyes and kissed the spot again.

I glanced over his tanned skin, fisting my hands into the sheets to stop myself from reaching out to him. The tension racked through my body, and the throb between my thighs was unbearable as I kept my eyes on him. Fuck.

If I wasn't lying down, my legs would have given in as the tingles spread shot through me. I breathed in deeply, gulping as my hands fell slack from the sheets.

My exterior might have been calm, but on the inside—I was fucking petrified. Petrified that he might not like what he sees. I let all those feelings go, because Theo seemed to be just as far gone as I was.

His hair was messy on the top of his head, and I lifted my hand to clear a few strands away from his eyes. My gaze went from his shoulders to his tatted arms—a frown making its way to my brows as I soaked in how good he looked between my thighs.

What a beautiful fucking view.

Using the same hand, I smoothed my palm over his scalp until I reached the back of his neck, running my fingers across the part where his shoulder and neck met.

I wanted him to touch me, but I wanted to be touching him too. It didn't matter where. Feeling his skin against mine, it was everything I needed to calm down my erratic and deafening heartbeat.

Theo moaned lowly, letting his forehead drop against my lower stomach and I didn't stop stroking my hand over his skin. I could feel how tense his muscles were, and I could tell that we both running low on patience.

Between the both of us, I didn't know who had a harder time.

It must have been me.

I was a split second away from tearing my own underwear off my legs.

"Fuck," Theo whispered, kissing my stomach as his hands ran over my thighs. "You have no idea what you do to me."

I wanted to know.

Taking a fistful of his hair and softly pulling his head back, I forced his attention back to my face. "Show me."

"You're so fucking beautiful," Theo whispered, letting the tip of his nose stroke over the curve of my waist. "Lift your hips and let me show you. Please."

Nina |18+|Where stories live. Discover now