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What have I gotten myself into?

Theo didn't stop. I glanced at him, finding his head thrown back with a tense jaw—his moans muffled into quiet and deep hums.

My pussy twitched around him, tightening and holding him in a vice grip as my arousal dripped out of me and sleeked over my inner thighs. Or it was Theo's cum. I couldn't tell the difference but all I knew was that I had never been that turned on.

Theo couldn't stop—and neither could I.

He groaned, his low eyes landing on mine as he continued thrusting into me. With his hands on my hips, forcing me down on him as he met in the middle, I gasped out loud when I felt how hard it was.

Theo wasn't fast, or in a rush. He fucked me at a continuous pace, slamming into me hard and pulling himself out of me slowly. I looked ahead, my hair falling over my eyes as I gripped the sheets. That's all I could do. Brace myself and take all of him. Even when it felt as if I couldn't take it anymore, I grit my teeth and let him fuck me the way he wished to.

Only because it felt like the best thing in the world.

Feeling Theo stop, he stayed inside of me when he reached over me, clearing the hair away from my face with a gentle touch. My eyes raised to his hand, seeing him grab a pillow and drag it towards him.

He didn't ask me to lift my hips, or tell me to move myself. Instead, he cupped my lower belly and pulled me to my knees.

The pillow was shoved underneath my hips, angling my ass higher and my face lower as the side of my cheek pushed into the mattress.

Fuck—I internally winced, knowing that the angle was going to drive me absolutely fucking insane.

"Better?" he asked breathlessly, his chest against my back when he leaned over to whisper in my ear. He caressed my shoulder blade with the palm of his hand, gliding it down the side of my rib and over the tattoo he gave me.

It was comforting, and a brief distraction from the way he kept himself deep inside of me and didn't move.

I don't think he knows how unbelievable good this feels for me.

I swallowed before answering, finding it hard to speak in the state I was in as I gasped out a quiet, "yes."

"I could stay like this forever," he whispered, sliding his hand over my cheek and tucking a sliver of hair behind my ear. "You have no idea what you did to me, Nina. No idea."


My pussy pulsed around his dick, an uncontrollable twitch that didn't go unnoticed by him. Theo's lips parted, his brows pinching into a frown when he made sure my eyes stayed fixated on him. My cheeks flamed with heat, and a shiver flowed through me until goosebumps formed on my arms and thighs.

Fuck—he was so deep I could feel his hips pushing against my ass.

"Let me look at you," he said huskily, observing my face when he held onto the back of my neck, giving me small and attentive massages.

"How much more can you take, baby? Do you want me to slow down? Stop? Speak to me and I'll do whatever you want me to do."

If it was possible, his words only managed to make me wetter than what I already was.

"Theo—I'll tell you, I promise. Just—just don't stop," I croaked, meaning it with the entirety of my being.

Even with two finished orgasms under the belt, I couldn't imagine Theo stopping. Or slowing down. I had waited too long for this moment and I wasn't about to let it end—at least not so soon.

Nina |18+|Where stories live. Discover now