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"You okay, baby?" I murmured, letting my fingertips stroke the curls away from her eyes. "Did you have a good shower?"

Nina nodded, smiling at me lazily when she gave me a small kiss on my index finger. I grinned, unable to stop myself when she did it again and again, planting small and quick kisses all over my hands. My eyes softened, knowing that she was showing me affection the same way I did to her.

It made me feel good inside, but I didn't think my heart could take it anymore. My chest felt heavy with emotion, and how much I cared for her scared me. Nina had the potential to wreck my life, but I couldn't do anything else but lie there and stare at her peaceful face with the thought of how I never wanted to lose her.

Even if she could ruin me in a heartbeat.

Nina didn't know how relieved I was that everything was okay between the two of us. She also didn't know how pissed I was about the entire Sidney situation. I tried not to make it obvious that I was filled with disgust and disappointment because of her little stunt.

All I wanted to do was assure my girl that she was the only one I had eyes for. And that meant pretending I wasn't upset that Sidney tried whatever the fuck she tried.

"Are you okay?" Nina asked, her eyes close but it felt as if she could see right through me.

"I'm good, my beautiful girl," I whispered, leaning forward to give her a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Nina gave me a close-mouth smile, her dimples practically screaming at me to give them a kiss and I did. She snuggled into the duvet, sighing when my palm slipped underneath the covers to rest on her waist.

It was dark in my room, but hardly. My warm-light lamp on the bedside table was the only thing illuminating those four walls, and the glow on her skin was one of the prettiest things I've ever seen.

Nina is mine? How?

I pulled her closer to me, wanting to feel all of her. Nina had other ideas. She twisted around, letting her back meet my front and I swallowed hard when I felt how naked she was.

Not fully, but her underwear barely left anything between our bodies.

I breathed in the smell of her hair, lifting my head to give her a kiss on the side of her neck. With my hand around her stomach, I dragged her closer to me and I could have sworn I heard the faintest gasp when she felt what did to me.

Already? I'm hard already?

Nina always left me questioning my ability to maintain my composure—and it was soon proven to be useless. All she had to do was look at me a certain way and I'd be ready to do whatever she pleased. That's how fucked I was. Completely fucked.

After a few beats of silence, Nina was the one who broke it.

She breathed out, clasping my hand in hers. "I'm sorry, Theo."

I perked up instantly, frowning at her.

"What for?"

"For doubting you," she murmured, interlacing our fingers. "I didn't mean to upset you. I just—I don't want to lose you."

I dropped my forehead against the back of her head, closing my eyes as relief shot through me and fear vanished. Nina cared for me, and her words were all I needed in a time like that.

"You have nothing to apologise for," I whispered, cuddling into her further. "I mean that. Don't say it again."

"Okay," she said, her voice small. "I won't."

Nina |18+|Where stories live. Discover now