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It took three days for Nina to settle into my place—our place, with everything she owned. Nearly everything. We stood in her partially empty apartment, the void space almost surreal.

I was a giddy mess on the inside, although I tried my best to hide it. I couldn't deny how unbelievably happy it made me to know that Nina had officially moved in. We had made one more trip, just to check if there was anything we missed. Nothing.

The belongings she didn't keep were sold and knowing that we didn't have to go back and forth was a relief. She was all mine. The smile on my face showed how fucking excited I was. But still, it was almost disappointing having to say goodbye to her place. The memories. It was my favourite part of those four walls.

"That's it," Nina murmured, and I turned my head to gaze down at her. Her smile matched mine, but my lips stretched wider and I couldn't stop it. She had her hair loose as she let her curls graze the top of her shoulders.

When I saw her new haircut for the first time, I fell in love all over again. No, I fell in love every single time I looked at her. Ridiculous? I didn't care.

"Yeah," I said, letting my fingers interlace with hers.

I tugged at her hand, and the both of us walked to the open entrance of her apartment. Ex-apartment? I closed the door behind us, locking it and shoving the key underneath the door—as per the landlord's request.

Nina sighed, her hand tightening on mine and I raised it to give her a kiss on her knuckles. She smiled, and I looked away from her when I felt my face flame with heat. How the fuck am I blushing? Her small chuckle told me that she knew exactly what she did to me.

"Am I forgetting anything?" Nina asked, pulling at my hand and guiding me down the empty hall.

"I don't think so," I replied, playing with the dainty ring on her finger. It was my first gift to her, and a silent promise. She never took it off. 

"Good," she muttered, pushing at the double door. "I don't want to come back here."

I grinned at that. Am I dreaming? If yes, can I do it forever? I shook my head at my thoughts, needing to snap back to reality and get Nina back to our home. I wanted her all to myself, and the dark and gloomy, wet weather was perfect for it. 

Nina walked down the steps, and my eyes dwelled lower until I landed on her ass and damn. I couldn't look away—even if I tried. There were a lot of things I wanted, and my head between her thighs were one of them. I took a deep breath in, telling myself that it wasn't the right time. 

"Theo," Nina blurted out, pulling me out of my train of thoughts.

"Hi, Theo. Hi, Nina," a voice greeted, and I was forced to drag my gaze away from Nina.

Sidney. She walked along the sidewalk, holding an unfamiliar man's hand. She didn't look at me, but she sent a small smile in Nina's direction and Nina did the same.

Knowing her, I could see that it was fake. Once they passed, Nina looked at me and shrugged. Whatever was going on in Sidney's life, it was none of our concern but she seemed almost...happier?

I didn't think about it too much, just wanting to be alone with Nina for the rest of the evening.

Is it unhealthy to be this obsessed?

I turned to Nina, almost losing my breath in the process because of how beautiful she was. Her hair was darker, but her eyes were bright underneath the dim light and I felt my face soften the longer I stared at her. Nina chuckled, giving me a slight push and I grinned at how radiant her smile was.

Nina |18+|Where stories live. Discover now