New Forgers, skull prince, half retribution and mother

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Brithney wanted to go in a quest but we didn't have weapons and I lost my sword for somehow, so me and her went to the forge. When we got there, we both saw our classroom president, Alexander and the vice president, Sithie, they both noticed us and I asked them why were they here. "Well were exploring more parts of camp... But why are you two here?", Alex asked us, I told him"Me and Brithney want to ask for Hephaestus' children's help with making our swords, most of the children of Hephaestus are here but it's always open for anyone so they could try and make their own swords". They offered themselves to help us with our new swords, because they might need weapons aswell. We all worked the whole morning and the results turned alright, I made a xiphos, Brithney made a dagger that was very sharp, Alexander made a Kopis and Sithie made a mycenean short sword.
Our new weapons were perfect for us, me and my sister thanked Alex and Sithie for helping and a red fiery shape like hammer appeared above them and the other children of Hephaestus know exactly what was happening. They all welcomed Alex and Sithie as their new siblings, and I could see shock in their eyes, I patted the two on the shoulder and tell them to go spend time with their new siblings.
I could see some my classmates that were still in the Hermes table look at Alex and Sithie eating in the Hephaestus table, I couldn't care less about that, me and Brithney were trying to wonder what should be our quest be when Erioune came to us, "Racel, I've notice your somewhere present in everyone's claim, could you and Brithney help me find whose my godly parent?". Me and Brithney agreed and as soon as we finished eating, we went up to him and tried to see if he's the son of Demeter, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Poseidon and he wasn't a child of either of them. We went and walked back to the cabins until we heard screaming, a monster somehow how got to camp, I couldn't identify what it was but I did not care, I took my new sword and tried to charge when the ground starts shaking, cracks in the earth appeared, when I turned to see the two behind me, Erioune's hands turned black and actual skeletons popped out of the earth and destroyed the monster. We all look at him and when we all saw him get claimed as the son of Hades. He was then nicknamed the skull prince for the fact he can summon skeletons and this got the attention of two more of our classmates, I could possibly think why they want to know who they are the children of because there is a lot of campers in the Hermes cabin and we were 33 students in one classroom. Vina and Marlon asked us to help them when we all got a message of Demeter trying to go to the underworld to see Persephone, me and Brithney decide to go, Vina and Marlon came along aswell and we traveled to where Demeter was.

Demeter was shouting at Hecate because she wasn't letting her in.
"Demeter, you get to see Kore for 6 months and just wait till it's your turn for her to stay!"Nemesis said. I went up to her and told her me and the others came for help. Nemesis was alright with this since we needed as much people, Vina tells Demeter to calm down but she punched her in face, "Girl! she was asking you calm down! you can punch me but not my child especially my kid that still didn't do anything wrong!" Nemesis said, me and Brithney looked at her and Vina and Marlon was surprised aswell. Nemesis and Demeter were about to get into a fight when we all pulled them away. "what is going on here!?"Hades shouted in such a worried voice, I told him "Demeter wants to see Per-.. Kore, my classmate Vina here is a unclaimed half-blood that Demeter punched and Nemesis said she was her child and both were about to get into a fight, Hecate and Nemesis, went here to try and keep her from going to Charon". "Oh I  know you, aren't you Hestia's child?" Hades asked me, I nodded, "I am her mother! I have to see her!" Demeter shouted, "Me and Hecate have our own kids aswell, but Demeter, Zeus made clear that you could stay with Kore for 6 months and her husband for 6 months, you have to be patient!" Nemesis shouted. Hades told the two to calm down and said that Nemesis was right and Demeter has to obey the fact she sees her daughter for half the year and she still has to be with him aswell. Lightning struck in front of us, letting us know that Zeus was watching everything, Demeter knows this and she cries so much that me and the others realize snowflakes started coming down. Nemesis tells Demeter that she has to be equal with her kids and not pick favorites, we all watch Demeter run out of our sight and more snow keeps coming. I told Britheny, Vina and Marlon that we should just go now but Vina said she needed to do something, I let her and she went up to Nemesis, "So, you said that I was your child, is it illegal to raise your demigod child or something?" she asked her, "No, I know I preached to Demeter that your my kid because she didn't care you were trying to calm her down and that woman has favorites, there is no law that we could raise our kids but I think you have to go back to camp, I'll tell you what, when you go back to camp, you can tell Chiron but you have to not but no boasting of it ok? cause you'll meet me as what those humans call asian parent". Vina nods, I tried not to laugh since me and my other classmates are asians, then Hades tells us "You kids got this far just so you could leave, and it's starting to snow a lot thanks to Demeter, why don't you four stay and go back to camp at next morning." we all noticed that more snowflakes start coming and we decide to stay for the night, Nemesis says she has to go and we all watch her disappear, Hades and Hecate welcome us and Persephone was fine with this.

We were getting ready to go, Hades whispered to me "Tell Erioune and my other kids that I said hi and I love them all", I nodded and we bid our goodbyes to them.

We finally got back to camp and the snow filled up everywhere, Vina and Marlon went back to the Hermes Cabin and me and Brithney went back to our cabin. When we opened, a woman was tending the fire while a bunch of food is laid at the table, I ran and hugged her, "Hello my daughters" I hear our mother say. Brithney was so surprised, she didn't remember what mom looked like and she went up to hug her aswell, she told us the Chiron told her we both went on a out for a adventure and she wanted to surprise us when we got back. We told her everything that happened at camp and we just bonded.


Me, Brithney and mother were walking and saw Vina and Marlon with their bags. They told us that Nemesis claimed Marlon when we went to Chiron, and were given directions of their new cabin. I gave them pats on the shoulders and told them to be humble and reminded them what Nemesis said if they were gonna be boastful.
My mother told them that Nemesis was the goddess of revenge but also the goddess of balance and punishes man and woman who are too proud but told them that she of course wouldn't pick favorites, that's why she might be upset of her child being what she hates from humans. Vina and Marlon kept those in mind and went to finding their cabin and me and my family kept walking around camp.

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