Well this isn't good

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Racel pov

"Mom... I really need to know" I told her, she asked me however, "Where did you hear about him", it feels important to tell her so I have no choice. "When me and the others were running, I heard a male voice calling my name, after you sent me back to the tent last night, I heard him again, this time he said..."

3rd person pov

Hestia : Dear.... What did this voice say?...

Racel :  ............ He said... my daughter's child.... that could only mean he's my grandpa! He told me of something with breaking-

Hestia hushed her, knowing she doesn't need to say it out loud...

Racel :... Mom... I need to know what happened to him...

Hestia looked at the fire and told her to look at the fire, as Racel looked, two deities and a baby.

Racel pov

Mother looked like she was about to cry but she held them. "You see these two with the baby?" she asked, I nodded, she then continued...

"These two are your grandparents, Cronus and Rhea... my father and mother... the infant they're holding is me..
Your great grandmother, Gaia, told Cronus that one of his children would take him down just like he did to your great grandfather, Uranus, and so he swallowed me, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. Me and them were immortal we didn't die of course, when it was time for Zeus to be born Rhea tricked Cronus to instead swallow a rock while secretly she hides him in Gaia's care. When Zeus grew up, he decided to take action and slipped a poison into Cronus' drink to trick him into puking all of us out and it took 10 years with the fight and with the help with the hecatoncheires, we defeated your grandfather, Zeus cut him to bits and trapped him in Tartarus, the deepest part of the underworld... Dear this isn't good... you're hearing his voice, please don't be scared to tell me, you know I'm always here for you, your sister and your friends" She hugged me and we continued making meals for everyone but this took too much, so Cronus is my grandfather and it seems he wants me to destroy Olympus... The oracle mentioned that 6 kids would have been bring havoc but when I think of it, if R and Ken aren't with us... We all might not cause such crime but R said you can't escape the fate of that a oracle of Apollo had told you. I went to the river and watched the water flow, hoping the two will be okay of course they're Athena's kids, surely they have survival instincts...

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