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Kenni: Okay you can put that in the bag too 

I was movin my shit out of this place, I mean the house is big but you know when you are in here by yourself. It makes you realize how lonely you really are. I was cleaning my dressers out when I saw trey standing in the doorway. I ignored him I don't have shit to tell him and Im not going to listen to him either

Trey: kenni 

Kenni: save it ( holds hand up) I don't want to talk just let me pack 

Trey: Kenni please

Kenni: please what trey what .. you kno I used to think of you being the knight in shinng armor. The sex is incredible and the gifts was beyond elaborate. Yes the cars was fun to drive the trips was fun to go on and the weave had me slayed . but you know what that didn't make up for you not bein here. All those lonely nights I spent curled up in the bed, or the countless dates you faked out because you was too busy . but really was fucking around on me.  good bye trey I don't need this and I damn sure not going to stay to put up with this bullshit 

Trey: Okay kenni look I admit I was doin you wrong. I guess I never took this engagement seriously. I appolgize on my behalf but girl seeing you last night was like how I felt when I saw you out in the crowd at summer jam. When I saw you in that hallway I had butterflies and shit in my stomach and I don't know but kenni I had to have you. Me 4 U & U 4 me that's the way its gotta be even tho I'm in the streets fucking with these fucking freaks stupidly truthfully I know you been so thru with me you put up with my foolery I guess you got so used to me and my infidelity and thru the bad you saw the better man in me you picked me up every time they put me down you try to leave me Imma tie you to the ground.

Kenni:  No nigga we aint playin dat fifty shades of grey shit. Trey im done 

Trey: Kenni please 

I grabbed my bag and pushed him out of my way , I kept walking while he was saying my name. I got outside and he grabbed my hand to make me turn around. He kissed me with so much force that made me drop my bags. He picked me up and carried me up the stairs back in the house. 

Trey: ( kiss) Im sorry baby im not going to leave you no more. Kenni 

Kenni : Yeah (kiss)

Trey pov: I aint never told her this before and I hope that she feel the same way about me. I stroked her face and leaned down to kiss her. when I took my lips off of hers I said 

Trey:I love you marry me kenni but marry me when your ready 

Kenni: I love you ( kiss) 

 We didn't have sex no we just laid there looking at eachother eyes and that was more passionate then any love making session we ever had. 

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