Chapter 2

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1 month earlier:
"Maxon", I called from the bathroom door, waiting for him to look up. He didn't. Not one to be deterred I tried again, "Maxon!" He finally looked up. He had been reading and his eyes were dazed. His soft hair falling in his face, his glasses keeping it out of his eyes. Seeing I wasn't injured, his eyes fell back to his paper, and he asked, "what did you want dear?" I was wearing his favourite nightgown. A revealing black lace negligee. Every time I put this on, everything was in the right place (wink wink). I didn't get more than a glance, not one comment, nothing. I had learned to hold my old selection insecurities at bay. So, even though I was incredibley annoyed, I understood that his work was very important, and that if he was busy I shouldn't interrupt him. I told him, "never mind." And hopped into bed, going to sleep.

A similar incident had occurred nearly every night for another 2 weeks. My actions getting desperate, my clothing had become more revealing each time. I was always conservative, as Maxon had been acutely aware of since the day Aspen walked in on us just before the selection ended. But my patience was fraying. This required urgent action, now. I stopped by his office on the way to get dressed, he hadn't joined me for dinner, I opened his door. "knock before entering", he yelled out. He looked at me, "oh, America, how can I help you?". No apology for yelling, no nothing. I had a plan though, "I'm just letting you know I'll be heading to bed, and I'll be waiting for you." I gave him a seductive smile. He nodded and went back to his work.

I just received 50 reads on the previous chapter and I am sooo excited! Thanks for everything, and please keep reading!

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