Love Blooms

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I have convinced Susan to stay with me in my room and with Elmer and the girls. Each place we looked at was not up to standard at least my standards. I am hopeful she will make my home hers in the end. She is the first woman I have met that I felt a connection to like I did the girls mother. I am going to let the girls know that Susan is moving in with me and in extension them. I am sure they won't ind to see their father happy.

The places I can afford until I get my back pay is unacceptable. So Ray convinced me to move in with him and I agreed. Because I was on assignment my paychecks were held up and I had no options because of being undercover working until I found the site and they brought me in. I was in a dump, so they had little to sell of mine. We really connected and I don't really connect with anyone. He comes with an adorable cat Elmer and two grown daughters. One seems very domestic and seems to keep most of the household running, while the other seems more apt to allow herself to be waited on. I like both of them, but Amanda is still doing some work on growing up and taking responsibility for herself. I want to see where Ray and I are headed. I have things in storage and asked if we could bring it to his place and he agreed to let me.

Elliott helped me put my things away and we decided to go to his place so he could get fresh clothing. I take the clothes and toss them down the chute to the laundry room. Elliott asks me to bring an overnight bag with me and I do just that. I grab the condoms from the night stand when Elliott is using the restroom. I get my toiletries as well as makeup.

I am happy Amanda is coming with me and she packed an overnight bag when I asked her to. I am a happy person right now. Mom and dad want me to bring Amanda to family dinner since we have been dating for a while. They tried to get me to invite Anastasia but I didn't want to do that. I would not be sure about Christian and Anastasia and what they would feel regarding it even if they know each other they weren't really in a home setting and that is a different ball game.

I decide to do a background check on Susan Powers. Every time I asked her about her work dad interrupted me for some reason and we never got back to her getting a straight answer. She just told us she was relocating back to Seattle and was taking a much needed and deserved vacation. I did notice that she looks young, but she isn't as young as she looks and is closer to dads age and once I got a good look this morning I noticed a scar on her neck that looked like a knife wound. But I don't know if that's what it was because she covered it quickly. Soon I am given the background check by a friend of mine and he tells me that she is not a criminal, but her files are blocked and warnings of being prosecuted if he tried further.

I got an alert about someone trying to get information on my background. It is local and they couldn't get past our safeguards. So whoever it was wasn't one of the human tracking organization trying to find me. That group would be going deeper than the criminal prosecution warning. They would definitely not worry about those. I might be asked to testify along with my files but hopefully not. There are plenty of others who can testify after they have healed. I am surprised that the Lincoln's and miss Matteo are still alive. I know they were put into general population and they have been injured a few times but nothing major yet. I would like them to get the death penalty, but not by other prisoners hands.

I look at Susan and ask her about the message she got. She says it is possible one of my children had just ran a background check on her. I chuckle and tell her that was most likely Anastasia because she is very protective of us.

We should tell her who I really am and let both girls know that we found their mothers killers. I asked if we should rethink my moving in with him, but he told me that he owned the house and it is his house to allow whom he wants to live live in it. I said okay but let's just get my clothing out of storage for now. My things are here already, they beat me here after I was ordered to go on vacation. I could give families the news that we had the killers and kidnappers of the children, siblings, mothers or fathers in custody. Ray wasn't my first stop of the day or the week. I slept at my office because of the files I had to go through to find the family members. It was too much to face people and go to a cheap hotel. Ray was the last in my list because of his last name. We connected right away, he was retired military and noticed the scar on my neck right away. We compared war wounds and how I finally found his wife's kidnappers and murders. I told him about the internet job offers and how they used it to get their victims.

I am glad Anastasia and Amanda chose not to apply to those jobs. Anastasia said it was too good to be true and she was right. She stopped Amanda from applying to it. Susan showed me the site they had up in Seattle. It is still up and running so they can grab the rest of the organization. They are making sure they protect anyone who applies to it after they found it, they hacked it and replaced the applicants with agents.

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