07 ; i'm not going to kiss you

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After just two hours, Javier finally got tired and wanted Pedri to put him to bed. As nice as Pedri was, he did of course and so I had enough time to think about what was actually going on.

I didn't want my brothers to get to know a man with whom nothing would work out anyway, because I would have to explain to them later why he had suddenly left and why he wouldn't be coming back. My brother's face broke my heart over and over again. I had tried everything to prevent it, but apparently fate wanted it that way.

I propped my arms up on the table and ruffled my hair a little too roughly. What the hell was wrong with me? Why did I get so nervous all the time when Pedri was near me? It drove me crazy not being able to get a normal sentence out or losing my brain activity all the time just because he was looking at me.

Had I fallen in love?

Was it even possible to fall in love in three days?

No. It was probably just the feeling of getting a man's attention.

But I didn't actually want it.

A pillow flying against my head snapped me out of my thoughts. Perplexed, I looked at where the pillow had come from and realized that Pedri was standing in the room with a grin. I sighed heavily. Wasn't he already nineteen? Then why was he still having pillow fights?

Unexpectedly for him, I jumped up from my chair and threw the pillow back in his face. Pedri grabbed another one and started hitting me with the soft fabric. I laughed out loud —

An honest laugh that I hadn't managed for a long time. We both hit each other with the soft cushions one after the other, laughing and having fun. I was having fun, I didn't know if he was.

The next time I hit him, the blow was so hard that Pedri lost his grip on the floor and fell to the ground with a loud bang. He rolled back and forth, gasping with laughter, and I couldn't help but fall to my knees laughing too. I was afraid of waking my siblings, but they mostly slept like rocks.

I quickly regained consciousness, but even as I lay down next to him on the cold floor, he didn't stop laughing. My hands started to sweat and I could feel myself getting hot and cold at the same time. My body was sending me signals to just jump up and run away, but I didn't do that. I wanted to have fun too. I deserved it just as much as anyone else.

So I stayed lying down. And I looked at Pedri like it was the last thing I was going to see. His brown eyes bored into mine and made me flinch when he suddenly put a warm hand on my cheek. It radiated warmth and security, and for the first time someone could touch me without scaring me. My breath hitched for a brief moment.

"You don't have to hold your breath," Pedri laughed. A sound that made my heart beat faster and my palms sweaty. "I'm not going to kiss you." He added with a warm grin. He stroked my cheek with his thumb, making me freeze. Why wasn't I scared? I knew he had touched me that way too. Then why wasn't I afraid of Pedri? Was I starting to trust him?

Could I still trust him at all?

"Who says I expected you to kiss me?" I raised my eyebrows towards my scalp, a small grin playing on my lips. "Did you?" He turned his face away to look at the ceiling and withdrew his hand. For just a brief moment, I missed the closeness. I pressed my lips together before shaking my head resolutely. "No," I sighed. "You're far too decent for that."

I winced as I heard claws scratching on the living room laminate and sadly realized that my dad must have locked my dog up again. I immediately jumped to my feet and opened the wooden door to the living room, only for my excited puppy to jump out at me.

Pedri jumped to his feet in panic before leaping onto the sofa, trying to put as much distance between him and Nacho as possible. He barked excitedly and approached the soccer player with his tail wagging, but Pedri seemed to be afraid of dogs. Laughing as if I had just found out something earth-shattering, I whistled my dog back.

"He's not doing anything," I laughed. "Nacho just wants to play. He just wanted to say hello to you." I nodded to him and told my dog to sit down —

Which he did, but not without continuing to aim at Pedri. I held my hand out invitingly to Pedri as I crouched down next to the big dog. "Come here." I had to suppress a grin that fought its way to the surface. It wasn't funny to see Pedri so panicked.

His warm hand on mine snapped me out of my thoughts and I wasn't sure if I should be happy about it or cry. Tentatively, he let me lead him by the hand to my dog, who immediately sniffed him excitedly with his big nose, as if he wanted to take in his scent and never forget it again. I didn't know if that was possible. Pedri looked at me, the smile on his lips was breathtaking and the light in Pedri's eyes was brighter than the stars.

"Nacho?" he questioned the dog's name almost reproachfully. I nodded eagerly as I flopped backwards onto my butt. "He's a shelter dog, so he already had that name when I got him."

It wasn't until Nacho's wet nose went to my hand that I understood Pedri was still holding it. My cheeks flushed and I avoided eye contact when he didn't appear to let go of my hand. I knew my palms were sweating and it only made me more nervous. What was it, would he notice? Would he take his hand back? For some inexplicable reason, I didn't want Pedri to take his hand back.

The barking of my dog and the key in the lock made me realize, almost in a panic, that Pedri couldn't stay here. He couldn't go through the door now. I froze and pulled the man with me into my room, where I frantically looked around for a place to hide. I pushed Pedri into the closet and accidentally hit him on the back of the head, which made us both laugh.

I quickly lay down in my bed and pretended to be asleep. I noticed the door to my room being pulled open and could see the bright light shining from the living room through my closed eyelids. It slammed shut again with a loud bang shortly afterwards and I exhaled in relief. "You can come out."

As soon as he stepped out of the wardrobe, I could no longer suppress my laughter. Pedri looked at me with raised eyebrows —

A condemning look on his soft features. Shaking his head, he dropped down next to me on the soft bed, which made me sit up too.

"I can't let my father know you're here," I explained quietly as I wrapped my arms tightly around myself. I pressed my lips tightly together to prevent myself from saying anything more. From the bedroom, like every night, I could hear ominous noises that I would rather not hear. I sighed heavily. I was so embarrassed.

"You can go now if you want."

𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒, pedri gonzález Where stories live. Discover now