27 ; you're stuck with me now

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I had started to show a little more once we arrived back home. I was relieved that we were finally back in spain, the heat engulfing our bodies the moment we stepped out of the car.

We were absolutely exhausted after the long drive and due to the busy traffic, we had driven two more hours than we actually would have.

I sighed as Pedri placed soft kisses on my belly, a smile plastered on his face. He was happy, he didn't care about the fact that it wasn't his kid, seemed to forget it here and then.

I hated it.

I hated the friendly reminder that this baby wasn't Pedri's, that it was from someone unknown to me and to him.

Sometimes, I found myself pretending that it was his baby, that it all happened too fast and now we were expecting a baby. But the bitter truth was, even when we weren't ready to face it yet, that I was raped and that the father didn't know of the baby's existence.

Softly, I stroked through his hair that had outgrown since his last match —

But I liked it more than his short hair. I liked the way my fingers slid through his dark brown hair so perfectly. It felt like it was supposed to be that way, like it was made for my fingers to slide trough them.

Pedri gave me a satisfied smile that coloured onto my lips, too. It was contagious like always and I couldn't help myself.

He came up slowly and wanted to kiss me, but I placed a hand on his face, giggling.

"Absolutely not," I breathed, hating the stubbles on his face. It was uncomfortable for me to kiss him with them on his face and I had gotten a rash from exactly that a few days ago. "You go shave first, then you can kiss me."

He sighed in defeat and placed a gentle kiss on my stomach again, before he stood up to quickly jog into the bathroom.

Oh he was needy.

But I loved that. I loved that he needed to hold some sort of physical contact in order to feel me close to him, that he was always close to me somehow.

A giggle escaped my throat, again.

Meanwhile he was shaving, I took my time to accept the simple fact that I was going to deliver a baby in a few months. A baby that I didn't want in the beginning, a baby that almost tore apart Pedri and I's relationship. The baby that was resulted from rape, from something so soul-shattering.

I wasn't sure if I could ever love this baby then, and I'm not completely sure if I could now —

But I knew that Pedri would love it endlessly, would bathe it with love and affection.

The baby would have a father that would eventually love it more than anything, that would love it eternally.

I sighed as I stroked over my belly with my thumb, the little womb feeling weird and unreal under my hands. The skin was soft while my hands were rough from the hard work I had done over the past years.

"Looks like you're stuck with me now." I sighed, nerves bundling up inside me as I talked to the creature growing inside me. It didn't feel real and my brain so desperately tried to repel the thought while my heart screamed at it, barking how it could ever hate such a pure soul.

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't notice Pedri standing at the door, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed in front of his chest, a little smile tugging at the corners.

"And you're stuck with me now." He let out a hearty breath that set my nerves in flames, that made heat shoot through my body. His laugh was generous, it was something so pure that someone could only love it.

"Yeah, looks like it." I gave him a cheeky grin as the Spaniard let himself fall on the bed. His muscles tensed as he did so and I tried hard not to gawk —

But then I remembered that this was my boyfriend, that I was allowed to gawk at him anytime I wanted.

The stubbles on his face were gone, so I let him kiss me breathless, gift me the most astounding kiss. His tongue fought with mine while my hands wandered down to the muscles that kept me mesmerised, that had me gape at him.

His hands came to cup my cheeks, though they rather wrapped around my throat while his thumbs were rubbing soft circles on my jaw. He fought against my tongue, bit on my bottom lip when he couldn't win.

This was the most intimate I was in months and oddly enough, I didn't feel scared. I felt safe, protected. His touch wasn't uncomfortable anymore, it didn't burn through my skin like it once did.

His hands wandered to the back of my thighs, before he pulled me into his lap with such force that a yelp escaped my throat before I could have known.

Reluctantly, we tore apart to catch our breaths and the love he held in his eyes made my body go soft, made my knees unable to carry my weight if I would have been standing.

His fingers dug into the skin of my thighs, but it wasn't unpleasant when he softly kneaded the flesh.

He looked up to me with so much love, so much affection in his eyes that I wanted to cry there and then. It felt like I didn't deserve him, didn't deserve his love. What I put him through was unforgivable and yet, he did. 

He did exactly that.

Forgive me.

"We're heading to America next week." Pedri began as he caught his breath and he watched my feature drop at what he had said. For me, it seemed to be impossible to be away from him that long now, it felt unreal to me. Ever since we met, there wasn't a day I hadn't seen him.

"For the tour?" My brows rose in insecurity, the nerves gripping on me tightly. It seemed immature, clingy and I hated that —

But once I bounded with someone, I didn't want to be left by them ever again.

My heart clenched just a bit when I thought about him going to America, where many girls would be that looked better than me, that weren't pregnant by someone else.

"Yeah," He breathed, gave me an encouraging smile and I knew something was following, that there was still something on his chest. "We'll speak to Xavi tomorrow. I didn't join in the last few times, so he urges me to come along this time. But I won't leave you for yourself, love. I will not leave you here with this... outrageous family." He continued, still the nice guy he was. He knew that, whatever they did, they were still my family.

More or less.

And they had definitely pulled enough shit for his liking when we were on vacation.

And though he seemed more relieved now that he spoke about what bothered him, there was still something visibly on his mind.

𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒, pedri gonzález Where stories live. Discover now