28 ; what, jealous?

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When we finally arrived at Camp Nou, the fans were scattered across the streets, blocking the entrance of the arena and stopping known football-players that were their favourites.

Pedri gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as he parked in one of the free lots that were reachable due to the fans standing in all corners. Even from inside the car their screams were clearly audible.

"Do you want to wait in the car?" He offered, his hand wandering to my thigh and he gave me another reassuring squeeze. I knew he was okay with me staying in the car, where no one was able to see me —

But I didn't want him to think that I used him or his money, though I barely took advantage of that.

"No, it's fine." Though I had a smile on my lips, nerves were bundling up inside me and suddenly the nausea gripped tight on me. I sighed, mentally preparing myself for the pressure that was about to be put on my shoulders and the publicity that was about to rip my privacy in pieces.

"I don't care about them. I just want to be with you." I continued, fiddling with the hair tie around my wrist.

Pedri smiled at me, the happiness now beaming off of him. Words couldn't describe how my stomach tickled whenever I saw this beautiful man smile, whenever he did the smallest things naturally.

Then, when he stepped out of the car, I copied his movements and closed the door behind me. The Spaniard understood that I wanted to have some privacy somehow and didn't touch me while we walked up to the entrance. He thought further than I had, so the fans couldn't figure out that we were dating yet.

Fans screamed his name and begged him to take a picture with him. I knew he didn't want to disappoint them, so when he looked at me with his eyebrows rose to his hair, I nodded with a slight chuckle.

He took my hand, pulled me with him as he started for the first one, pulling me with him. Pedri refused to take pictures without me, claiming that I was now apart of his life, that they should get used to that.

And while some groaned in annoyance, others were actually happy to meet Pedri's girlfriend and have pictures with both of them. Maybe it was because they could now upload this picture and make Pedri and I's relationship official.

When the brunette man saw how uncomfortable I grew over time, the fans hitting me with questions that I couldn't answer even if I wanted to, he took my hand in his and headed straight to the arena, ignoring every one of his desperate fans.

I let a relieved breath escape me when we finally were alone.

Pedri's smile was still ghosting over his face and my heart jumped a few beats as he palmed my face with his warm hands, gazing down at me with a loving look in his eyes.

"Thank you." He breathed, his nose grazing mine as he let his lips hover over mine, his breath fanning on my face. A satisfied sigh slipped over my lips when he kissed me, his hands wandering to my hips as he pulled me even closer to him.

I felt his heartbeat quicken as his chest was against mine and buried my hands in his hair.

"Gross." A voice gagged in an act of disgust and Pedri and I broke away with a laugh as we recognised Pablo's voice. Pedri had learned to like the boy and though I had no contact with him, I was happy that they got along together so well.

"What, jealous?" Pedri rose his brows at the younger man as he broke away from me to ruffle his hair. Though I barely knew the newcomer, I knew that he hated when someone ruffled his hair.

"Nah, I'm good." He replied with a smirk showing off on his face.

I couldn't have been happier in that moment and though my nerves were set on fire, I giggled at the silliness of both of the men. Even when I couldn't really hear what they were talking about as they continued walking to the dressing rooms, I heard their laughter and saw their beaming faces.

I waited for them to come out of the dressing room while I checked my phone. There were already tons of pictures with me and Pedri posted on Instagram, though I could barely recall standing here for mere minutes.

When both of them came out together, Pedri greedily took me in for another desperate kiss, the tension between us growing with every kiss ever exchanged.

"Come on, I'll talk to him." He sighed as he broke away from the kiss, his hands still lingering over my hips. I gnawed at my bottom lip and nodded hesitantly, afraid of what Xavi had to say.

It wasn't my place to go with him, so instead I sat on one of the benches placed at the ends of the field. I watched them both curiously and saw Xavi jerked his hands in the air, Pedri pleading with his eyes. His brows were furrowed in confusion.

Pablo was sat on the ground not too far away, but still too far away to hear anything. Here and then Xavi's screams seemed to be clearly audible for him and then, everything stopped.

They looked at each other challengingly, both of their bodies tense, before I saw Xavi sigh.

The expression Pedri held was one I couldn't look behind as he approached me and nerves started to bundle up inside me.

"You're coming with me." A sigh slipped past my lips as hepulled me in a tight embrace, buried his face in the crook of my neck. His arms were slung around my waist tightly and Pedri sighed, too.

"It seems like other girlfriends will join in too, perhaps. He's not too sure yet." He explained, his voice muffled as he greedily took in my scent.

My emotions were playing tricks on me and I wanted so desperately to tell him that I loved him —

But it was too soon.

Though I did love him dearly.

𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒, pedri gonzález Where stories live. Discover now