26 ; long time no see

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My heart was pounding in my chest when we reached the rest of the family, the mother of the stepdragon immediately standing up to greet us. Her hair was outgrown, the grey hairs of hers already showing.

"Hello, dear." She pulled me into a tight hug that I returned uncertainly, before I pulled away from her and she looked me up and down. I hoped, no prayed, the bump wouldn't show and forced a smile on my lips. "Have you gained some weight? I told you to keep track of what you're eating."

Dinner hadn't even started yet and I already got the first snarky comment.

"No, I didn't gain weight. Yes, I kept track of what I've eaten. You don't need to tell me every time you see me." I hissed, pulling my hands away from her. She begrudgingly looked at me, before her gaze went to the man beside me.

"And you must be Pedri," She stated. She didn't seem to understand that Pedri didn't speak german, that he was spanish. He looked at me helplessly and I sighed. "Pleasure to meet you."

"He doesn't speak german."

Her features fell and her brows furrowed. She suddenly seems to understand that it was a spaniard beside me, not some german guy.

I would never date a german guy, for I hardly spoke german myself.

"I see." She stated, now eying him up and down, too. I hated the way her face held hate in it, hated the way she hated everyone that didn't speak her language. "Why did you bring him then?"

I wanted to punch that old lady in the face.

"Because he is here with me. I will not leave him at the house for himself while I'm out for dinner." I snapped, my anger now bubbling inside me like a volcano. I knew this was a mistake, I knew I shouldn't have come.

"Watch your tone. I am still family."

"Are you?"

She wasn't family. She would never be. It didn't matter how hard she tried, she would never be my family. I would never see her as my grandma.

"Enyá, my dear!" Her husband came up to us with a soft smile plastered on his lips. He was the only decent person here, the only person I truly liked. "How are you? Long time no see!" He exclaimed, now pulling me into a warm hug.

I cherished the moment with my step-grandpa, rubbing up and down his back.

"I'm getting along. It's really nice in Spain. How are you?" I smiled as we pulled away from each other, his hands still on my shoulders.

"Oh, I'm fine, you know that. It's really hard since you left." A soft smile formed onto Johannes' lips as his thumbs kept stroking over my shoulders.

"You look absolutely stunning, honey!" Johannes let out a hearty laugh that I loved so much and I couldn't fight the smile that was creeping up on my lips.

"You don't look bad for yourself. Have you gotten a haircut?" I ran my fingers though his grey hairs and earned another smile from him. "I did. I'm glad you like it."

"I love it."

Mary let out a scoff.

"She doesn't look stunning, she looks fat."

My smile dropped and I felt my heart drop.

Johannes gave his wife an angry glare and scoffed, before his gaze went to Pedri, who was still stood beside me, very obviously uncomfortable.

"And what a handsome man you brought!" He exclaimed, opening his arms to greet him in a soft hug. "I am Johannes. You must be Pedri." A soft smile appeared on Pedri's face too, when my step-grandfather suddenly spoke in Spanish.

I knew that he spoke the same language as us, I just didn't think he would dare to speak it out loud in front of the nazi family.

From what I knew, Johannes had studied in Spain, so he knew the language like the back of his hand. A spanish accent had even started to form that Mary hated so much. I couldn't even begin to describe how much I hated this family, how I didn't understand why they hated me and my country so much.

When they pulled away from each other, they had a smile plastered on their lips.

"I would be happy if the both of you visited me more often." He smiled, scratching the back of his head uncertainly. His brows were raised and it was clear that he didn't feel comfortable around his wife.

"We would, but you know — It's not quite the best family to visit. You're more than welcome to visit us whenever you want to, though."

His face lit up and he didn't seem half as uncertain as he did before.

"Yeah, and I can get you into the game for free." Pedri added, Johannes' face now lightening up even more. He secretly watched the Barca games and was a big fan of them. He knew Pedri from the games, I figured. "Yes. I would love that. Definitely not an offer I can knock off," The smile on his lips grew even wider and I could see the long lost spark in his eyes. "I will definitely come back to that."

Johannes earned a slap on the back of his head for speaking in spanish and my hate for Mary grew even more. He rubbed the place where her hand collided with his head and I knew it must have hurt because she used to do that to me, too.

I shifted uncomfortably.

"Let's get going, shall we?"

With a forced smile on his lips, Johannes led us to the dinner table where the rest of the family was sat, already talking to each other and laughing about things someone just said.

I knew this was going to be a long night.

And I already hated it.

𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒, pedri gonzález Where stories live. Discover now