22 ; it wasn't like that!

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When Pedri came back, he seemed even angrier than before. A hurt expression had entered his beautiful eyes that broke my heart into little pieces.

He placed a small bag in front of me and an icy shiver ran down my spine when I noticed the pregnancy test.

I looked at him questioningly.

"Your stepmother told me," he explained, looking at me almost begging. "If you have nothing to hide, then take it. Otherwise, I'm out of here. That's it then."

He was so angry that his shoulders shook.

Tears welled up in my eyes, making it much harder to see the pregnancy test. Swallowing hard, I stood up and walked to the bathroom with the test.

I was aware that it would be positive —

But I hadn't kept anything from him.

Silently, I locked myself in, feeling the tears run down the soft flesh of my cheeks, leaving a stinging trail as I took the test with a broken heart.

That was it.

The relationship with Pedri would now be completely ruined. Everything I had so painstakingly built up over the last few months.

Totally lost in thought, I washed my hands, not noticing Pedri's piercing gaze as I unlocked the door again and went back to the spot on the floor where I had been lying curled up for the last few hours with a heavy heart.

It was freezing, but the cold was nothing compared to what I was feeling right now.

Everything was so confusing, so incredibly complicated, and all because I was too cowardly to share my past with him.

Pedri came back with the test. I saw the look on his face change to one of hurt as he held the positive test out to me.

The ground was suddenly pulled out from under my feet and I fell so deep because there was nothing to hold me up.

"Is this why you didn't want to sleep with me?" His voice shook so much that you could hardly understand anything. Tears burned in his eyes, running down his cheeks with such agony that it tore my heart into pieces.

"You fucked someone else while I was hopelessly addicted to you?" He unknowingly tore me into little pieces, shredding my heart with the hurt look he gave me.

"It wasn't like that!" I tried to protest, but it seemed as if all strength had drained from my body.

"Then what was it like? Tell me, Enyá, so that I don't have to leave you." I wanted to tell him what had really happened, I wanted to share my past with him —

But nothing slipped past my lips.

Not a single sound.

"Pedri, please." I tried to take his hand, but suddenly my touch seemed to hurt him. He didn't say anything, just shook his head.

I felt as if I could hear his heart breaking.

"Leave me alone." he pleaded. His voice broke and tore me apart, taking away any light he had given me in the last few weeks.

And without saying anything, he left the house —

Took with him the light that had warmed me for the last few weeks, that had protected me from the darkness inside me.

Tears burst from my eyes, burned their way down my cheeks and made me realize so desperately that I had ruined everything.

He was gone, and with him the light had disappeared.

I was suddenly sure that I would never be happy again, feeling completely numb in a strange way.

I pressed my ice-cold hands to my chest, which felt as if my heart had been ripped out.

And I screamed.

Screamed so desperately.

My stepmother had sworn to make my life hell —

And she succeeded, because now I was pregnant from the rape and Pedri was gone, who had made me feel like everything was going to be okay again.

Powerless, I stood up and searched my bag for the pills I had packed for my nasty condition.

With trembling hands, I tipped a few of them into my hand and poured them down my throat without thinking about the consequences of my actions.

I quickly grabbed another bottle of wine provided by the staff and washed down the tablets.

I was aware of the effect it was having and I wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible, I didn't want to feel the pain that was consuming my body anymore.

I didn't want to feel anything anymore.

And I wouldn't in a few moments, because I could already feel my heartbeat slowing down and my hands going numb.

I wanted Pedri next to me now, I wanted him to hold me and reassure me that everything would be okay.

But nothing would be okay and I would never see him again.

But maybe, just maybe I could have sorted it out. Maybe Pedri would have let me explain what had happened and why I hadn't wanted to sleep with him.

With trembling hands, I reached for the cell phone lying next to me and dialed Pedri's number.

At first I was sure he wouldn't answer —

But he had picked up and was now silent.

"I'm sorry." It was suddenly incredibly difficult for me to speak and my body felt like it was falling. "I didn't sleep with anyone. It wasn't my fault," I pressed out, feeling my consciousness slowly slipping from my fingers, trying to pull me into the black hole I had so painstakingly escaped from over the last few weeks. "I just wanted you to know that."

He said nothing for a short while, then my name sounded anxiously from his mouth.

"Enyá?" He sounded distraught, as if he deeply regretted what he had done. "Please tell me you're okay." he missed. I could hear the wind hissing through the microphone and knew he was on his way to run here. "Enyá!"

My hand became so weak that I couldn't hold the weight of my cell phone and I felt the icy cold consume me.

I was falling, falling so deep.

Into the black hole I had come out of.

From which Pedri had rescued me.

𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒, pedri gonzález Where stories live. Discover now