DT: Fourteen

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After further examinations on the omega, counseling of the three on what to do and how can they help the irregular heat of the omega, and also processing the joint regular check-up for better monitoring, Xiao Zhan decided to invite the two alphas to his penthouse to further discuss the sudden situation they were in. 

They arrived around lunch at Xiao Zhan's penthouse. The two feel giddy and excited at the same time as they look forward to seeing the space where the omega goes home, their heart on their sleeves beating crazily. 

It feels sudden, everything that happened today was all so sudden that they still can't believe that it's happening. It's quite amusing actually, they found the omega a few weeks ago and it feels like they knew him since they were born. It must be an absurdity to think, but they felt something connecting them with him.

"Sorry, I was not able to ventilate when I went out," the omega sheepishly apologizes for his house being filled with his pheromones, seemingly because he unconsciously released them this morning after reading their message. 

The two alphas only chuckle, finding it cute that the omega fills his own home with his pheromones. It doesn't matter to them actually, on the contrary, they love the omega's pheromones. It was sweet and addicting, and as if they were embraced by him. 

They shook their heads as they follow him, fond smiles on their faces. "It's okay," they both answered in unison. 

Xiao Zhan then leads them both to the living room, letting them seat first before making his way to the kitchen to prepare a little refreshment for his two visitors. 

When he came back, he sets down the tray of teas on the coffee table before making himself sit on the opposite chair as them. 

He awkwardly looks down at his feet, looking for the words to start off their discussion. It took him an awkward second to finally open his mouth, still sheepish but enough to break the awkward silence between them. 

"So, uhh about the suggestion my doctor proposed..." he utters cautiously. 

The two listened to him with utmost focus, nodding as they wait for the next words the omega will speak. 

Xiao Zhan sighs, building up his courage to tell them about the situation they were in. "I'm sorry for imposing you with my personal problem," he added which made the two alphas' brows furrow in discontent at his words. 

"Why are you sorry?" Yibo intervened, putting down the cup of tea from his hand. "We accepted the offer, didn't we? It just means we were not forced to do it since the doctor made us choose," he explains.

"We accepted because we wanted to help, please don't apologize," Xie Yie reassures. 

Xiao Zhan just looked down at his feet, unable to look straight at the two, "I'm sorry I'm just not used to people giving me help," he utters apologetically, his voice sounding sad and a tinge of sourness suddenly floating in the air, replacing the sweet scent the omega had filled this morning.

The two looks at him with sympathy, but despite the urge to comfort the omega, they decided to not push it further, instead, they released a subtle comforting scent of their pheromones enough to let the omega know but enough to keep him calm.

"You know we always say that when you need anything don't hesitate to ask?" Yibo reminded him.

Xiao Zhan nods, "You did. But I still feel like it's bothersome when I can solve it myself anyway," he explains, looking up with a tight-lipped smile. 

In his family's house, asking for help is some kind of weakness. If you ask for help, it means you are incompetent and can't do something on your own, you are a failure in their eyes and he never wanted that to happen. And so he tried hard without anyone's help, to impress the family where he grew up. 

Yibo sighs, "Just accept our help, yeah?" he said with sincerity, "So let's start with discussing how should we do this," he immediately change the subject to give the omega no room for discussion.

Xiao Zhan's heart lightened, bliss filling his whole body as he somehow felt the belongingness of the two's presence. He never felt this way before and it made his heart feel at ease. 

He smiles, "Right, we're here to discuss that," he finally recovers, putting his attention away from his ugly thoughts. 

The two lights up after finally making the omega smile genuinely, they hate seeing him sad, their keen nose immediately picking up a slight sourness of the omega's pheromones a while ago that seems like the omega didn't notice that he's leaking them and now it finally subsides that only the sweet scent was left. 

"So, we should start with how should we help you with your irregular heat," Xie Yie stated, smiling sweetly. 

Xiao Zhan's cheeks turned red all of a sudden, the idea of the two alphas will leave their scents with him in two possible ways made him feel embarrassed all of a sudden. 

The first choice was more effective in calming heat but that's beside the point, in the first place he has no experience at all. It'll be shameful to face them after if they consider the option. And so that was removed from their options. The second was that the two alphas scent the omega's belongings, like blankets or any fabric that the omega could use. That choice was a lot better but their colleagues and students might assume that something is going on between them. The last choice and the safest choice was to drink suppressants, but it'll take a toll on him sooner or later so the idea was not considered. 

He sighs, whether or not he wants to choose, he still needs to choose between his three options and they settled on scenting. 

"Since he chose scenting, we just have to provide our scent," Yibo explained.

Xiao Zhan nodded bashfully, "Yeah... uhm, should we start now or..." he trails sheepishly. 

The two smiled fondly at him, "We can start with your blankets and pillows, so you can adjust first before anything else," Yibo then supplies. 

Xiao Zhan nods, excitement running through his veins but he tried hiding them. He then stood from his seat. "I'll get them, wait here," he utters before making his way to his bedroom. 

To say the least, the two alphas were happy to release their scent onto the omega's belongings. And maybe it is also a way to tell anyone who has the motive to court the omega that he belongs to someone already.


A/N: That was so lame lmao. I'm mentally disturbed ffs. I can't comprehend anything that I write. Anyways, thank you for reading my stories and for waiting patiently. Love you all! <3

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