DT: Thirty

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Xiao Zhan threw a polite smile at the alpha who is sitting across from him as he sat down. 

The alpha was wearing a black button-up shirt with three buttons open on her chest, her cleavage showing from beneath the opened section, accentuated by how the black shirt curves along the lines. Her shirt was topped off with a beige long coat emphasizing her alphan posture, looking dominant in every angle. She's wearing a sweet grin on her face, almost soft and fond as she strains her eyes on him. 

"I was told that  I'll be meeting an omega, never thought it'll be as beautiful as you," she complimented with a chuckle. 

Xiao Zhan chuckles sheepishly, "Thank you, I guess?" he answers, unsure if he should take it as a compliment or something he should be wary of.

"Am I making you uncomfortable somehow? If that is, I'm sorry. I just... just can't believe you're this pretty," she speaks sweetly.

Xiao Zhan smiled politely, "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to being complimented as such. But rest assured I'm perfectly fine with it," he replied. "shall we order first?" he uttered in the hopes of setting aside the awkward topic, grabbing the menu situated on their table. 

There was a glint in her eyes as she did the same, finding the omega adorable in many ways. "I'm Zhao LiYing by the way," she interrupts as she scans the menu, not glancing up to the omega.

Xiao Zhan paused for a second to get a quick glance at the alpha, he grins at the sudden blurt out then brings back his attention to the menu, "I'm Xiao Zhan, nice to meet you, Ms. Zhao," he replied.

The alpha immediately shot her head upon hearing the warm greeting she had heard from the moment the omega sat in front of her, a hopeful grin on her face as she sees the omega meticulously pick his own set of food, then she brings her attention back to the menu before she speaks again, "Liying is fine, so I can call you Zhan," she suggested, feeling her heart warm from being able to talk to the omega with ease.

Xiao Zhan chuckles at her words, looking up from his menu book, "Okay, Liying," he echoes, before calling for a waiter. 


After the two set their orders, their attention was back on each other now that the menu book was taken away. 

Xiao Zhan was a lot eased now that they are able to introduce themselves to each other. "So...." he trails off, "How did you end up here?" he asked curiously.

The alpha smiled tight-lipped, "Family, specifically my father," she replied after shrugging. 

Xiao Zhan nods, understanding the same situation as her, "Me too," he unconsciously replied which was replied by a fond chuckle from the alpha. 

"But, I'm glad I went though, I could've missed the chance to meet such a pretty omega like you," she says full of fondness in her tone. 

Xiao Zhan's cheeks suddenly felt a tinge of warmth at her compliment for the umpteenth time, but he laughs it off, dismissing her advances, "Don't be silly. I've been against my father's wish you see," he confesses, a forced smile on his face, his finger tracing the brim of the empty wine glass on the table.

Liying listens, a soft smile on her face as she sympathizes with the omega's circumstances. Must be hard following orders from his father, she felt that as she has experienced that almost every time, her life decisions were dictated and all her wants were pushed away from her. She never felt the freedom to do what she loves to do, like a puppet she was always controlled. But of all the orders her father gave her, this was the best one she don't regret abiding.

But as she watched the omega's saddened expression, the unwillingness to such a meeting, she knew it was something she could not force on the omega. Though she somehow developed her feelings in just mere minutes of meeting. 

"You must have something on your mind, you can spill them to me, I promise I'm no snitch," she chuckles playfully. And for the umpteenth time, she pushes away what her heart wanted. 

"Well..." he trails off, "Since we're both forced to be in this situation, might as well... uhm... make a team work?" he chuckles sheepishly, a hopeful tone in his voice. It's now or never anyway, so he jumps right to the plan he had formulated in his mind.

The alpha chuckles as if she understands, though it's only masking the prick of pain that was inflicted in her heart, it kind of feels sad that it hasn't started yet but she already knew she was already losing. Maybe wishing for happiness was never hers in the first place. And so she grins, holding out her hand as to make a deal with the omega. 

"Deal," she grins behind sadness, "What do you want to do then?" She asked.

The omega beams at her announcement, she somehow feels relieved seeing a genuine smile from the omega but hurting at the same time since it was because it was not for her happiness.

"I'm glad!" he sighs in relief before shaking her hand, "Let's pretend in front of our parents!" he chirps, finally finding his way out of his father's tight hold on his life. 

Xiao Zhan explains his plan to the alpha, starting by pretending that they had a good encounter, then keeping in touch via text message only to keep an eye on their fathers', then meet once in a while to not grew any suspicion from them. 

The alpha listens fondly at the omega as he explains, a smile on her face following every move he makes to express his opinion. 

When he finally finished telling her his plan, the food arrived just in time.

"So, you're cool with the plan?" he asked the alpha whilst the waiters set their first course. 

Liying nods fondly, "Yeah. You can set the date whenever you wanted to meet up. I'm sure father will let me go when it involves their deal with your father," she replied. 

Xiao Zhan beams, his smile so blinding that it was brighter than the luminescent of the restaurant's chandeliers. "Okay!" he replied before picking up his utensils and started eating. 


The lunch was spent at ease, they had lots to talk about, random things and about work that made the both of them relate to each other. The longer they spent talking about themselves, a blooming connection was slowly built. 

After the dinner, the alpha was gentlemanly enough to accompany the omega to the front where the valet attendant already pulled up his car for him. 

"See you again soon, Zhan," she grins tenderly at him. 

The omega only beams wide, "Yeah, see you! I enjoyed the company," he complimented making her skip a beat, sending his whole body on a short trip of the happiness space and back to reality. 

"Mhm," she hums, "It was nice meeting you," she finally bids before the omega finds his way inside his car. 

"Nice meeting you too!" Xiao Zhan waves goodbye before finally leaving.

The alpha has a satisfied grin on her face, her heart still pounding in joy. She chuckles bitterly to herself, "He seems like he has someone in his mind the whole time," she says to herself, "And that will never be me," she bitterly added.

When the valet attendant arrived with her car, she slips inside, feeling her heart heavy now that she was alone in a closed space.


A/N: Yey, after so long I was finally able to update. Mwehehe lots of things will still happen to them so stay tuned! Thank you for reading and waiting. Love lots <3

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