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🤍💬 ➤richiebowie : @scoutyscout ;) we know your secret45 minutes ago

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richiebowie : @scoutyscout ;) we know your secret
45 minutes ago

scoutyscout: no secret to tell, y'all just assuming
richiebowie: as i said earlier, liar
emily_in_chicago: we all know you DREAM of boning her
scoutyscout: DO NOT
ginabobina: boning who

scoutyscout: why are you even following him? @ginabobina
ginabobina: nunya, boning who? ↳scoutyscout: nunya.

queersandbeers: :/
scoutyscout: ??

damianhubby: harry styles is so fucking hot🤤🤤
richiebowie: agreeeed
scoutyscout: FACT
ginabobina: 😐😐
richiebowie: ??
scoutyscout: what? i'm gay not blind
emily_in_chicago: 📸📸
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"SCOUT! ADAM! are you ready?" rachel samules yelled up the stairs to her youngest kids.

"yes ma!" scout yelled back. a lie. she's been up for ten minutes just lying in bed scrolling through instagram, dreading her first day of school already.

"liar." her mom deadpanned as she walked into scout's room.

"mama, it takes me maybe ten minutes to get ready and it's only..." she trailed off as she looked at the time on her phone. "seven thirty."

"okay, well you also have to drive adam to school since i'm leaving soon."

"ma! he can take the bus, i have to pick up ricky and em." the brunette argued.

"you can take your brother as well, now get up." scout grumbled before reluctantly getting out of her bed, and heading to her bathroom to get ready.

a few minutes later she emerged with her hair done, with some extremely light makeup, and nothing but a sports bra and boxers on. she trudged her way towards her closet and picked out a white thrasher shirt, black jeans, and a black jean jacket. an ordinary scout samules outfit as emily would say, she paired them with her black sk8 hi vans and her backpack before rushing down the stairs.

"ma?" she called out, making sure she was gone.

"she left already." her older brother, aaron told her as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"figured," she mumbled as she sat across from him at the table. "sooo... wanna drive adam to school?" she asked with a puppy-dog face.

"haha, no." aaron shot back, eating his cereal.

"okay, it's settled then. ADAM! YOURE TAKING THE BUS!" she yelled up the stairs. thudding could be heard as the youngest samules sibling ran down the stairs, fully dressed for school but with his curly brown hair a mess.

"that's not fair! mom told you to drive me." he huffed as he grabbed an orange from the fruit bowl.

"yeah well, i'm busy so you can take the bus." scout smirked as she ruffled his hair. "later losers! i've got friends to pick up and iced coffee to drink." she told her brothers as she threw up a peace sign and left.

"just admit it! you and regina are secretly fucking." ricky smirked as they pulled into the school parking lot.

"i'm not going to admit to something that isn't true, ric." she huffed out as she turned off her car. ricky and emily just rolled their eyes before getting out of scout's car.

"hey scout, nice car!" kaylee gray greeted as she sauntered up to scout, making ricky and emily roll their eyes.

"why thank you, he is a pretty sweet ride." she smirked proudly, looking back at her jeep.

"it's a jeep, what's so special about it." a voice scoffed from behind her. scout froze as she heard the familiar voice of the queen bee herself, regina george behind her.

"says the one driving the outdated lexus." she shot back as she turned to face the blonde.

"at least it's not a jeep." gretchen joined in, smirking at regina for approval, the latter ignoring her and staring at scout. scout's breath got caught in her throat as she stared back.

"scout let's go, we've got math." ricky said as he dragged her out of her thoughts before she turned to her best friends.

"later loser." regina smirked as scout flipped her of while walking away.

"sexual tensionnnn." emily stated in a sing songy voice.

"shut up." scout grumbled as they headed towards ms. norbury's class.

678 words

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