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REGINA WOKE UP the next morning with a pair of arms wrapped around her, smiling to herself as she turned her head and saw scout's sleeping face. her mouth was slightly open with soft snores falling from her mouth, she looked at her freckles on her face and used her index finger to try and connect them. she sighed out happily before getting out of bed, and quietly tip toed to her bathroom.

once she got out she eyed scout and laughed to herself, noticing that the hoodie she'd given her last night was on the floor and off her body.

"of course she took it off last night." she mumbled to herself as she pulled out her phone and took a look picture of who the brunette was sleeping.

regina smirked as she got back into bed, and laid next to scout admiring her yet again

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regina smirked as she got back into bed, and laid next to scout admiring her yet again.

"you know staring's creepy right?" scout mumbled, opening her eyes slightly.

"morning sleepyhead," regina greeted back, smiling. "how's the hangover?" scout simply groaned and laid her head back on regina's chest, and snuggled into her. "that bad huh?" the blonde asked, running her hand through scout's hair.

"it's just a headache, i'll be fine." scout grumbled. "you know what will really make me feel better?" scout asked, looking up a regina with a smirk.

"what is that?" regina asked with a sultry tone in her voice.

"waffles!" scout yelled out excitedly, sitting up straight and straddled regina's waist.

"are you fucking kidding me? waffles? you are laying on top of me and you want waffles?" regina scoffed making scout laugh.

"well i guess i could do this..." scout told regina as she got off her and started heading between the blonde's thighs. right before she was about to do anything, she looked up to see regina with her eyes closed in anticipation. "however, you called it off so we can't." scout smirked, getting off of regina's bed and grabbing the sweatshirt from the ground. she eyed regina as she pulled off her shirt slowly, the blonde looking at her like a lioness stalking her prey. scout winked at her before throwing on the sweatshirt.

"you're fucking annoying." she growled before pushing scout on the bed and straddling her. before scout could even get a word out regina's lips were on hers, and her hips were rocking against her own.

"regina...we shouldn' doing this." scout mumbled against regina's lips.

"you think too much." regina replied, pushing her down further. scout moaned out as regina made her way down to her neck and sucked harshly on her pulse point. scout tried to flip their positions but regina pinned her down by her wrists. "not this time baby."

music lovers RUS -groupchat
scout- scott⚽️
ricky- richie🛹
emily- emmer☀️

guys! i have an idea for a new song!
i see you typing em
aight fine, ignore me. that's okay.

i have an idea for a new song, wanna hear it?

gina bo bina💓
why don't you preform it at the party tonight?
i would love to hear it ☺️


private chat between emily and ricky

do you think we should keep ignoring her?

idk, i feel really bad

me too, but what she did was kinda fucked up

yeah but she's our best friend

you're right
i'm going over to talk to her

567 words, okay so shits really about to go down next chapter... que someone gets hurt😈😈

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