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IT HAD BEEN A WEEK since cady showed scout that regina was cheating on her, and the brunette had barely left her room. today she decided she would go back to school, and confront regina. she'd barely gotten any sleep in the last few days, and her head was pounding so she decided she'd wear her glasses for once. she got ready slowly, not wanting to go, but not wanting to have to see regina who kept coming to check on her everyday. she was awful persistent for a girl who was cheating on her girlfriend, said girlfriend who was giving her the cold shoulder.

scout made her way through the hall in search of her soon to be ex girlfriend, she was shaking both with anger and anxiety. she hadn't even told her three best friends about what she'd found out, but she got cady to send her the photo so she could show regina in case she played dumb. it was also so she could show the squad because she herself didn't believe it until she saw it. scout finally found the the blonde at her locker and stormed over to her, her footsteps so loud that they scared regina went she'd stopped at her locker.

"hey baby! are you feeling better?" regina asked her happily as she went to hug her, but scout backed away making regina frown.

"i need to talk to you." scout told her. regina eyed scout closely and saw that it looked as if the brunette had been crying, but she also looked cold and angry.

"okay, what's up baby?" regina asked carefully, knowing that when scout was angry she was quick to snap, even if she'd never snapped at her since they started dating. plus she'd been getting the cold shoulder for almost a week now, so that didn't help her apprehensive state.

"don't baby me, cady told me." scout snapped.

"cady told you what?" regina asked, not having a single clue as to what her girlfriend was talking about.

"that you're cheating on me with shane!" scout yelled out, causing heads to turn in their direction.

"what are you talking about? i've never cheated on you." regina told her honestly, but scout wasn't buying it.

"if that's true, then what's this?" scout asked angrily, thrusting her phone at regina, showing her the picture.

"scout, that's old! i would never even think, about cheating on you! why are you even believing cady anyways?" regina told her, starting to become angry herself, not just at cady, but at the fact that scout would even believe her in the first place.

"don't fucking lie to me regina! i've been going through hell for the past week thinking about why you would do this, and how it's not possible! tell me the fucking truth!" she shouted.

"i fucking am!" regina yelled back. emily, ricky, and nini all walked up with shocked looks on their faces. they've never seen the couple fight before, unless it were petty little arguments so this was a big shock to them.

"what's going on? why are you guys screaming at each other in the the hallway?" nini asked.

"she fucking cheated!" scout accused angrily.

"no i fucking didn't!" regina yelled back.

"not this shit again, scout you can't cheat at uno or monopoly!" emily told her. scout turned towards her with her jaw set, and eyes blazing, the look making emily a little scared.

"no, i mean she fucked someone else." scout stated, glaring at regina.

"scout, i would never fucking cheat on you! you know this!" she told scout before turning to the other three. "cady showed her an old picture of me and shane and told her i cheated on her." regina explained.

"doesn't look very fucking new, and that would mean that happened when you were dating aaron. so you cheated on my brother too." scout growled.

"fine! yes i cheated on aaron! but i'd never do it to you!" regina yelled.

"how am i supposed to believe you when it's clearly a fucking habit!?" scout told her as she turned to walk away. "i guess people really can't change. we're fucking done." scout muttered numbly as she walked away.

"scout please!" regina called after her. she turned to the rest of the group who all looked shocked. "you guys have to believe me, please. i didn't cheat on scout, i never would." the blonde pleaded.

"then why would she say you did? she loved you with all her heart, and you broke it again." nini snapped as she grabbed ricky's arm and dragged him away.

"em?" regina called, but the curly haired girl just stalked away. regina slammed her locker shut and went to find cady. the only shot she had to get scout back was to get cady to admit she was lying, if she even would. she stormed through the halls like the old regina would've, head held high with an angry look on her face. regina forgot how good it felt to have everyone cower in fear as she walked down the halls, and part of her was basking in it, but the other part remembered why she was doing it. because that bitch cady heron was trying to ruin her life for regina kissing a boy who wouldn't have even given her a second glance if it weren't for her. once she found cady she stormed up to her angrily, seeing the red head visibly gulp.

"what the fuck is your problem?" regina snapped.

"what are you on about?" cady sassed, but regina could see through her facade.

"you know exactly what the fuck i'm talking about, tell scout you fucking lied." regina told her, holding her glare although she felt like crying.

"i didn't lie about anything." cady deadpanned. regina slapped her, causing heads to turn.

"you're fuckin dead heron, dead." regina snarled as she walked away, leaving a shocked cady behind. the blonde stormed out of the school and headed towards her car, she couldn't be there anymore. she knew she had to do something drastic, and it may hurt scout even more, and nini, and emily, but it must be done.

the blonde stomped into her house, ignoring her mom as she made her way into her room. she walked into her closet where she'd hidden the burn book, she cut up the picture of cady and her, placed herself in the book.

this girl is the nastiest skank bitch i've ever met

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this girl is the nastiest skank bitch i've ever met. do not trust her. she is a fugly dyke slut!

she almost let out a sob as she had to write her girlfriend, well now ex, and two of her best friends into the book. she prayed that they never found out the truth about who wrote it, because it would break her more than it would break them. it had to be done, she needed scout to know that cady heron was a crazy liar, who wanted to be regina, not "take her down".

double update?? ;)

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