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REGINA STOOD in front of her mirror, no shirt on, just staring at her body. she knew she gained a bit of weight since she started eating those kalteen bars, but cady assured her that she'd drop it soon. she pinched at the minuscule amount of fat on her body and frowned, tears collecting in her eyes.

"hey baby i-" scout started as she walked into her girlfriends room. "gina? what's wrong?" she questioned as she set down the garlic fries she got  for regina.

"do you think i'm fat?" regina asked as she stared at herself.

"of course not! you're fucking gorgeous, in every way possible. why do you think that?" the brunette asked as she walked up behind regina.

"look at me scout," regina cried. scout said nothing but placed her hands on regina's exposed skin.

"i am." scout mumbled as she kissed regina's shoulder.

"how could you even be with me?"

"what do you mean?" scout questioned, looking at her girlfriend with a frown.

"i look disgusting and fat! i've definitely gained ten pounds," regina said sniffling a little. "i'm disgusting."

"regina george, you are fucking gorgeous. your weight does not matter, but you are still fit as hell. you are beautiful inside and out, and i love you with all my heart." scout told her as she got on her knees. she kissed regina's thighs, her stomach, the peak of her breasts, her jaw and finally her lips. "plus i can still do this." scout said before picking regina up bridal style and placing her on her bed. scout laid in between regina's legs with her chin on her chest.

"thank you baby." regina sniffled, pulling scout up for a soft kiss.

"now tell me, my love. why are you feeling this way?"

"well my spring fling dress wouldn't zip up, i've been so bloated lately, and these fucking kalteen bars cady has been giving me aren't working!" regina sighed out.

"i'm sorry, did you say kalteen bars?" scout questioned, sitting up slightly.

"yeah, why?" regina asked confused.

"babe, those make you gain weight, not lose it. why are you eating those?"

"that little bitch! cady told me they make you lose weight." regina explained, her face turning red with anger.

"no, they made me eat those when i had an eating disorder and i needed to gain a little weight." scout explained, making regina look at her in shock. the anger almost dissipated out of her body as she looked at her girlfriend with concern.

"when, when was this?"

"uh last year, why?" scout questioned, looking down.

"why didn't you tell me?" regina asked, cupping scout's cheeks, making her look at her.

"we weren't exactly close last year," scout mumbled. "plus, i'm better now." scout smiled, making regina smile at her.

"i love you."

"i love you too."

scout sat at her table with her best friends, looking around for her girlfriend. after last night she was making it her mission to make sure that regina was eating properly, and she was keeping an eye on cady heron. she watched as regina walked up with a tray of junk food, wearing a sweatsuit and instantly knew this wasn't going to go over well.

"you can't sit with us!" gretchen screamed, making scout stand up instantly. regina turned around and walked right into a girl.

"watch where you're doing fat ass!" she yelled out. regina looked at scout with tears in her eyes before rushing out of the cafeteria. scout followed after her at a fast pace, ignoring everyone's looks and whispers.

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