multiple~ i

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SCOUT SAMUELS LAID in her bed, staring numbly at the ceiling with her 'post heartbreak jams' playlist playing in the background. it had been a week and a half since the halloween party and scout had been locked in her room ever since. she told her mom she had the flu so she wouldn't suspect anything, and was acting sick to get out of school. her phone had been shut off since november first after she blocked regina.

emily and ricky had been by a few times, but each time she pretended to be asleep. she was still angry with them for icing her out, but understood why at the same time. what she did with kaylee was messed up and she truly felt terrible, but on the other hand she needed her friends to be with her.

scout sighed out as she tried to fall back asleep, but was interrupted by a sound on her window. her heart stopped as she thought about the slight possibility that regina was at her window, desperately trying to win her back. she knew that wouldn't be the case however, regina george only cared about one person, herself. the brunette got up and looked to her yard to see ricky and emily standing there with a bag in each of their hands.

"what are you guys doing here?" scout called out, her voice hoarse from barely speaking, and having a dry throat.

"we come baring gifts!" ricky yelled as he and emily started walking towards the tree.

"you don't look very sick." emily noted as she climbed into scout's room.

"oh so you're finally talking to me?" scout snapped, making her two best friends to look down guiltily. "sorry, i- i didn't mean it." scout mumbled as she sat on her bed. ricky and emily followed and sat down next to her, one on either side of her.

"no, i deserved that." emily told her.

"so wanna tell us why you've faked the flu s? it isn't even flu season yet." ricky asked eyeing his best friend.

"plus when you get sick you bounce back, and also text the groupchat complaining the whole time." emily added, nudging scout's shoulder. scout smiled at her before grabbing her phone and showing them it was off.

"well i assume you already know that the she devil and my brother and back together?" scout asked, making the other two nod sadly. "yeah, i was finally going to confess my love for her, and she decided that i was worthless and she wanted aaron back." scout explained, tears filling her eyes yet again.

"awe scouty." emily cooed as she pulled her best friend into her arms. scout knew the second that she was hugged she was going to break down, and that's exactly what happened. sobs wracked her body as ricky and emily hugged her tightly.

"let it out s." ricky told her as she wailed.

"it- it hurts s-so mu-ch." she cried into ricky's chest.

"i know babe, i know." emily soothed as she ran her hand through scout's hair.

"if it makes you feel better, she looks miserable at school, so maybe she feels bad." ricky commented making emily and scout glare at him. the curly-haired boy raised his hands up in surrender which made scout laugh a bit.

"she laughs!" emily said excitedly, making scout smack her arm.

"shut up." she grumbled, cuddling back into her friends.

"okay, enough of the sad girl shit, you've had a week and a half of it," emily said after about an hour of eating ice cream and watching 'outer banks' scout and ricky looked at her confused so she started speaking again. "you go shower, put on some sexy clothes and we're going out. we're gonna post some sexy ass pictures of you, and we're going to show that plastic bitch what she's missing!" scout reluctantly got up, with emily smacking her ass as she did so, and headed towards her bathroom.

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