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🤍💬 ➤scoutyscout : THERE IS NO UNRESOLVED SEXUAL TENSION6 minutes ago

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6 minutes ago

richiebowie: we all see it, you and regina george want to F U C K
scoutyscout: mouth your fucking shut
emily_in_chicago: can't even speak 😏
scoutyscout: SHUT
richiebowie: @emily_in_chicago i think we broke her

queersandbeers: yes there is.
damianhubby: yes there is. ↳richiebowie: point proven
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SCOUT SHOVED her phone in her pocket as she walked to gym alone because emily had biology, and ricky doesn't do gym. she was silently praying to herself that she didn't get stuck in a class with regina again, because last time she got a little too excited and her compression shorts were no help.

"of course you're in this class, come to perv on more girls in the locker room?" a voice sneered from behind her.

"of fucking course i'm stuck with you." scout grumbled as she turned to face her ex, alison hicks.

"you weren't complaining last time we were in here." alison smirked as she sauntered towards scout.

"yeah well, last time we were in here you weren't a cheating whore. oh wait, yes you were!" scout snarled as she backed up, her back hitting the locker as alison kept walking towards her.

regina walked into the locker room and saw alison pressing scout up against her locker. she glared at the sight of someone else's body on scouts, and made her way over to them. "move it fish breath," regina snapped as she stood in front of them. "you're in front of my locker."

"fish breath, i get it. because i'm a bisexual? really creative." alison snarked as she moved away, leaving scout with her back still against the locker, glaring at her ex as she stalked away.

"you're in front of my locker." regina noted as she looked to scout, who turned her glare on her.

"sorry ms. queen bee, my bad." she snapped as she walked away to get changed. regina sighed as she watched scout storm away, staring at her perfectly shaped butt as she did.

"i saw that." gretchen smirked as she followed regina's eyes.

"shut up." the blonde grumbled as she started to change.

after gym scout hopped in the shower before anyone else because being different was her biggest insecurity, despite the loads of girls who want to get with her. scout stood under the freezing water she preferred to shower in, letting her thoughts cloud her mind. her thoughts were interrupted by the shower curtain being ripped open.

"what the fu-"

"shut up." regina whispered as she put her hand over scout's mouth. scout tried to mumble something, but regina's voice muffled it. "what?" the blonde asked as she pulled her hand away.

"what the fuck are you doing?" she whispered.

"checking in on you," scout looked at her with regina with her eyebrow raised. "what? i saw your psycho ex trying to fuck you against the locker."

"okay? and we don't like each other so why the fuck do you care?" regina rolled her eyes.

"because only i am allowed to bully you." scout scoffed out a laugh.

"right right, so you hopping in the shower with me is bullying me?" scout mumbled, looking directly at regina's face in respect and not wanting to pop and awkward boner.

"yes." regina whispered as she got closer to scout. scout gulped nervously, backing herself against the wall. regina got closer to her, smirking at her as she cornered her against the wall. "am i making you nervous scouty?" she whispered, almost ghosting her lips against scout's.

"regina?" karen called out making regina freeze in her spot, holding her hand over scout's mouth yet again making scout roll her eyes.

"yeah! just go on ahead to lunch, i have a bad knot i need to work out!" she yelled out, cringing slightly at her words, making scout laugh against her hand. regina glared at her before gretchen spoke up.

"do you want help regina?" the brunette called out.

"no! gretchen, i do not!" regina yelled back, rolling her eyes.

"okay!" the other two plastics yelled back as they left the locker room. regina finally removed her hand from scout's mouth.

"okay, they're gone now can i finish me shower please?" scout asked. regina said nothing but pushed scout further on the wall, and smashed her lips onto the shorter girls. scout froze, as regina grabbed her arms and pressed their bodies together. regina pulled away nervously, her heart and mind racing.

'why the fuck did i just do that?'

scout just stared at her in shock, pressing her fingers to her lips as she thought about why regina just did that.

'am i- am i dreaming right now?'

"scout, i-"

"shut up." scout cut her off as she pressed her lips to regina's again, this time flipping the position so she had regina against the wall.

music lovers RUS -groupchat
scout- scott⚽️
ricky- richie🛹
emily- emmer☀️

meet me at our spot.
ASAP no rocky

are you okay?

what's going on s?

just meet me there

"OH MY GOD!" emily yelled out as she took a bite of the carrot stick she was eating.

"you totally fucked regina george!" ricky shouted excitedly.

"will you two shut up!" scout grumbled picking up her water and chugging it.

"yeah, i bet you're thirsty." emily winked, making scout pick up a carrot stick and whip it at her.


🤍💬 ➤ginabobina : i don't even know what the fuck just happened, and why i liked it32 minutes ago

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ginabobina : i don't even know what the fuck just happened, and why i liked it
32 minutes ago

gretchisfetch: you okay regina??
ginabobina: does it LOOK like im okay?

karensmith2: do you want to go to taco bell?
ginabobina: no!
karensmith2: okay sounds good

richiebowie: wanky
ginabobina: ??
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