The Run Away - Chapter Two

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The Run Away - Chapter Two

Bexley's POV

Written by Aby:

After I finished insulting a woman nationally I was off to Missouri, the next state over. I looked back at the dinner, it gave me an eerie feeling, like in a horror movie. I felt like a demon or ghost or vampire or werewolf would just jump out from behind the dinner. As cool as it was in the movies, I didn't want to meet one in real life.

I shook the feeling off as much as I could, but there was a shadow or something telling me that something is going to get me. I walk, well more like run, up to the road. I get out my phone and check which way to go to get to Missouri. I turn right, as my phone directed and fall back onto the ground, thanks to a dumpster I ran into. I stand up and dust the dirt off. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I whip around.

"Hey you're Bexley Perkins," a boy about eighteen says. "The run away."

"Please, please, please, don't take me back there," I beg, I hold my hands out in front of me and slowly back away, probably a scared expression on my face.

"Nah, I'm too lazy. But I might, might not. If you help me get to Oregon, then I won't turn you in," he says, all serious. "Name's Nathaniel. But I go by Nate or Nathan."

"So why do you want to go to Oregon?" I ask and start walking right. As Nate stepped into the light, I got to look at him, he was really, really, really, hot. He had hair that was shorter on the sides and longer on the top, but it went to the right, like Connor Franta's hair, but Nate's was a dark brown. He had big, bright green eyes that screams "I'M INNOCENT!" but my guess he wasn't.

"Well," he started, "I ran away from the mental institution I was put in." I took a huge side step. "I'm not crazy, I bet that's what all crazy people say, anyway, m dad put me there because he was sick of dealing with me. The people there said nothing was wrong with me but my dad wouldn't take me home. Eventually they stopped trying to get my dad to cooperate and were just like 'Enjoy your stay in the loony bin,' that's not actually what they said, but they might of well."

"What about your mom?" I asked.

"She's in Oregon," he said.


"So why'd you run away?"

"My mom blamed me for the death of my Pappi, because when I was four I was playing in the road-stupid I know, but I was four-then a car came and Pappi saved me, but he didn't have enough time to save himself. Anywho my mom was convinced that I like pushed him into the road and from then on she abused me, at first it was small, then I'd have to wear make up to cover the black eyes, bruises, hand prints and choke marks. My father never knew because he was always working, and my brother would stop her when I was on the brink of life, but that was it, then I eventually got sick of her and her sadisticness-is that even a word? I don't think so, anyway- I left, wrote a note and I was out of there faster than a guitarist playing a simple cord."


{Song to the side (or maybe it's above with this new update, I don't know) is how I'm gonna describe how Bexley's feeling}

"I want to go home, but I can't."

"Then come with me, to Oregon," he suggest, his face lighting up in glee.

"I can't, I just want to go home but I don't belong anywhere," a single tear drop escaped from my eye.

"I'm not going to say it's going to be okay, because, honestly it's probably not, but I'm going to tell you that, life has to have it's low points to have it's high, some have more than others, but at the lowest points it can only get better, or maybe worse, but, hey you never know, that's the fun in life."

"It seems like my life only has low points, I've never had a high point sense I as four, must be I'm what they're talking about in the song Demons by One Republic. I wouldn't get to close."

"You are going to Oregon with me," he says.

"I'm not walking to Oregon."

"Who said anything about walking? I have a car," he gestures to a sleek black 2014 Ferrari convertible.

"That's not a car, that's a fucking Ferrari!" I yell.

"Yup, now get in," he says.

"No," I say.

"Fine play it that way."

His fist flies to meet with my chin. I feel my body connect with the blacktop of the road. Black dots invade my vision and I close my eyes. Last thing I pick up from the outside world is arms picking me up, then I fall limp in them.


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