The Run Away - Chapter 3

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The Run Away - Chapter 3

Bexley's Pov


I wake up to find myself strapped back to a leather seat. I try to remember how I go here and all the memories hit me like a giant brick falling out of the sky, covered in cement, with dead insects on it, and in flames, repeatedly.

I unbuckle the seat realizing we're parked at a SubWay. I reach for the door knob-handle-thingy but it's locked. I lean over to the driver seat and unlock the doors, I reach for the knob-handle-thingy, but it's locked, I try again, and again, and again, and again, until the driver door opens.

"Child-Lock, gotta love it," Nate says and climbs into the car.

"Let me out," I say.

"What is that one saying? Oh, no. I think that's how it goes," he says and starts the car, I mean, fucking Ferrari.

"This is kidnapping," I say.

"Well, you ran away and I'm taking you to safety, so no it's not."

"Yeah it is," I say.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I'll call the po-" he cut me off.

"The police? You call them, you go back to where you came from."

"Let me out, Nate," I say.

"No," he argues.

"Then at least, tell me why you are taking me to Oregon."

"I plead the fifth," he says.


"It refers to the Fifth Amendment," he says. Seeing my confused face, he continues, "The Fifth Amendment says 'No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation'."

"Nerd," was my oh-so-badass comeback.

He just shrugged and started speeding down the highway, reaching almost a hundred miles-per-hour.

We drove a few more hours, ignoring each others existence, well actually that's what I was doing, Nate was trying to talk to me.

We came across a road where the road goes two separate ways, one pointing left went to Oregon, the other, pointing right lead to California.

Nate turned right.

"Okay, 1) I thought we were going to go to Oregon," I say. "And 2) why the fuck did you punch me in the face?!"

"We need to make a pit stop in California to pick up a friend of mine, and you weren't cooperating. Trust me, twelve hours of silence was the only thing that made me regret it, it was so uncomfortable."

"So punching me upside the head was the right way? Well, a) my dad is a millionaire, and guess who's a daddy girl, b) we were in public and you probably caused someone's attention, c) this is qualified as kidnapping, plus America is looking for me because of a million dollars on my head, and I'm a minor. So, either way you look at it, you are either gonna get sued and-slash-or put in jail. Send me a post card from behind the bars," I say.

"I swear to God, if you don't shut the fuck up I will punch you again, and this time I won't even feel a sliver of guilt," he says.

I pretend I didn't hear him, "or you could just go back to the loony bin you came from, maybe some other magical place for people who kidnap girls with money on their head. For all I know you could be going to California to meet up with my dad secretly and give me away, then run off with the money to Mommy up in Oregon, or maybe you don't have a mother in Oregon, you're just planing to take me there, give me away to my father, then when I'm at hotel, waiting for the plane to arrive you'll kill me or worse, you'll kidnap me and use me as a slave and then when you get sick of looking at my ugly face you'll torture me until I die, and then say you stumbled upon me and that it's a big city, even though it's not that big and say that anyone could have done it. But what if-" (longest paragraph I have ever written, counting all my essays and short answers.. lol :'D)

"Shut up, Bexley!! GOD YOU ARE SO FUCKING ANNOYING!" he yelled.

"Well now that you interrupted me, I have to start all over," I say, I tell him the whole story and then continue from where I left off, "But what if I die from salmonella, or some random disease, and then I just fall over and die, while cleaning your fireplace, or maybe it was all the charcoal and dust crap that killed me when it got into my lungs. But what if I fall into your pool, cause I can't swim and I will die, because I can't swim. Or maybe you'll send a hit man to kill me, or one of your other maids to push me into the pool. Or maybe I'll fall down the stairs and I'll break my neck, I'm to young to die. But maybe I'll die from a heart attack from all the stress. Maybe a demon will come after me, and then Sam and Dean Winchester (WARNING: IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE YOU ARE DEAD TO ME AND YOU NEED TO STOP USING YOUR LIFE AND START WATCHING NETFLIX LIKE A NORMAL TEENAGER WITH NO LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!) will have to come save me, not that I'm complaining about that, oh and let's not forget Castiel. Or maybe-"

"Maybe I won't kill you, did you think of that, and who the hell are Sam, Dean, and Castiel?"

I raised my eyebrow, "Ever watch Supernatural?"


"SHUNNED!" I shunned him (if it wasn't obvious).





And I continues yelling "SHUNNED" everytime he tried to talk to me.

Yey! An update! Sooooooo I looked through the comments and decided to update.. it's 11:05... and I have to get up at like six tomorrow, so you guys are lucky I love you... and I could have been watching Supernatural or Teen Wolf.. but no, I had to update.. your welcome.

VOTE! ;*


FAN! =]

-Aby :P

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